Wednesday, September 18, 2013

No More Netflix

After Netflix's decision to split up the DVD and streaming segments of its business model, it made me think long and hard as to whether I wanted to pay more for less.  It was an easy decision.  In fact, I don't know why anyone still subscribes to something like that.

If you have a decent cable company, you can watch On Demand movies and programs.  You can rent new releases and just about any TV series season by season from the library. 

Just saying there are so many alternatives out there.  I'm just waiting for the library to begin to allow streaming of movies and shows.  Now that would kill those companies off!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Netflix Decision

I'm still up in the air what I'm going to do about my Netflix subscription. My current subscription is two DVDs at a time plus streaming. I generally stream old cartoons for the kids or watch an old TV series like Weeds...but not sure which I use more often. They, like other providers (Blockbuster, Amazon, now Walmart) have some but not all movies and prices vary widely. I have a feeling Netflix is going to revise their plans due to the alleged backlash. The media sure had a field day with the story.

I believe the time for the updated pricing is September so I'll have to make a decision soon. I think the price change is really on a few bucks when it comes down to it. Any opinions?

Saturday, January 16, 2010

TiVo Upgrade

There has been a lot of talk about TiVo going away - mostly because of the recent loss of many subscribers. I have to say I still love my TiVo and there are several reasons why you do (or could)!

1)Hackability - try and do this with your Comcast or FIOS DVR. You'll probably end up bricking it - I've heard horror stories. You can set up a web server and other crazy stuff with TiVo.

2)Upgradeability - you can easily upgrade your TiVo. See my specs below.

3)Backupability - you can backup your TiVo in case something goes amiss (can replace HDD etc)

4)User Interfaceability - easy to use interface; can schedule recording online, via phone....

5)Connect multiple TiVos

6)Can transfer shows to multiple PCs or another TiVos

I have two TiVos now, both with lifetime subscriptions. One is an old SD upgraded to 750GB...the new one is a TiVo HD that I just upgraded to 1TB from 160GB. I really love the capacity, the ability to connect both TiVos to my wireless network on WPA.

Just felt like writing something today, mostly because of increased capacity after the upgrade from 160GB-1000GB. It is seriously sick. Took about two hours total, mostly just waiting due to the fact all settings and recorded programs had to be transferred to new drive.

Old Drive (160GB): 31hr 52min Best; 46hr 39min Hi; 73hr 39min Med; 184hr 22min Basic
New Drive (1TB): 231hr 13min Best; 341hr 24min Hi; 539hr 07min Med; 1367hr 58min Basic

If you have questions about upgrading, just ask. I'd done it previously on my SD TiVo which was a bit more complicated due to the fact it was an upgrade from 1 to two drive. This most recent on my HD was a hard drive replacement.