Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Soul Mates, Love At First Sight, Destiny....Yuk

Call me unromantic, a realist...whatever. The aforementioned terms always make me cringe. I guess the easiest way to assess each of these types of garbage is by sifting through each one at a time.

Soul Mates

This term assumes that for each person, there is at least one other individual out there that is linked emotionally and spiritually with them on the highest unearthly level. People often throw this phrasing around like a sack of potatoes.

"Oh, Sarah and I love reading to one another, walking in the park (holding hands of course), skipping down sidewalks and feeding each other various tropical fruits. We're soul mates."

I think a lot of couples use this term loosely as a meaning for close compatibility, usually during the initial "high" of first being with one another. BUT, you do have couples who continue to use the term long, long after the start of the relationship...like 1 year or so. If you take a close look at these people (seriously I mean stare at them) you will see a glazed, brainwashed manicness that is so evident, you'll realize the obvious - they're on Prozac.

See how easy that was?

Love At First Sight

This one is so simple. Love at first sight means that you saw someone and immediately were attached to them emotionally. This means your initial view of someone, no matter how many guys she slept with last night (at once) you love her so much....regardless. I guess it helps if she's good looking but I don't think that question has ever been asked to someone who's stated it was "Love at first sight".

Also, have you ever noticed that you've never heard both individuals in the relationship say it was love at first sight? Odd.

All of the relationships that don't work out from the aforementioned premise is called Stalking...which is probably around 99%. Scary stuff. So, the next time you hear someone say it was "Love at first sight" be very wary.


It was destined that I started this blog because no one ever listens to me. Destiny refers to things that happen for a reason as part of life's big plan. We don't know what the plan is...we just know we're destined to do whatever is in the plan.

With regard to relationships, people often say "Oh, we were destined to meet!"

This kind of thinking means that no matter what you do, the outcome of what you do was planned and in essence you really had no control over it to begin with. This means in some respect you can do what you want (live a good life or a bad one), but the outcome is not really your fault.

Therefore, I have to say Destiny is crap. Life = choices and I choose to end this entry now.

1 comment:

Gem said...

love this entry! i also don't believe in such things and i can't even bring myself to believe.