Friday, May 19, 2006

TiVo and FIOS TV Continued

In short, I canceled my FiOS TV install while in progress. Someone at Verizon who actually was knowledgeable about hooking up TiVos with FiOS TV flat out told me that you can only watch an analog channel (20 or so) while recording. Also, you need an additional STB for each device you want to record on...i.e. I have a VCR and DVD Recorder I want to have the option to record on. So for my main system to work, I would need:

1)1 STB for the TiVo
2)1 STB for the TV
3)1 STB for the VCR
4)1 STB for the DVD Writer
5)1 STB for my other TV

Plus, with all this (and the fire hazard and hot zone it would create) I wouldn't be able to watch the alternative channel while recording on TiVO (unless I wasn't recording on VCR/DVD I suppose).

Frustrating? Yes. Resolved? Yes.

Comcast gave me a $14.00 discount for "staying" with them. Hehe. Good for 12 months so I suppose I'll have to threaten Comcast again in May, 2007.

Seriously people, if you want a discount on insurance, phone, cable the company and tell them you are switching. They'll be like, we'll give you a special $10.00 discount! Tell them you want an extra too. Hehe.

Anyway, you can see more of my rant on FiOS TV here:

This issue is now dead and I can go back to recording 3 shows while watching a 4th with NO STBs.

Verizon FiOS I come :) But that will be another post.

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