Friday, April 04, 2008

Green Bandwagon

Are you green enough? The recent media coverage gives us a daily barrage of their new favorite color. Every frigging magazine I pick up has green articles - green PCs, green vacations, green houses. What is going on?

I like nature. In fact I love it. However this recent mania...yes mania is sweeping the US as it has across Europe and other areas of the world. What is the basis of the argument for going green?

The basis is that humans are polluting our planet. Furthermore we are creating C02 from our factories, cars and from our parasitic mouths.

CO2 has long been known as a greenhouse gas...something that (in a nutshell) can potentially increase a planet's temperatures and turn a beautiful planet into something similar to Mars.

The green people in the world say that humans are creating more C02 emissions than ever before and we need to make it stop before we destroy our planet. We need to tax companies, set restrictive guidelines on people, companies and more, invest in new technologies. Basically spend billions and billions of dollars. This is not a laughable amount. Cumulatively this is what it would cost in the long run if not more.

But wait wait wait...before we spend Billions upon Billions lets look at the specs. Are humans really doing this to our planet? Is C02 really the bad guy? Many leading scientists say no. Immediately when anyone says something like this, Eco Nazi's eyes turn red with anger and they will turn the seal clubs on you. You must be a BUSH lover or a Republican. Well as a matter of fact I am of the GOP but I am also a nature lover. I don't think many people in this country want to see our world go to crap and melt away in the sun.

The truth is it has not been significantly proved that humans are causing any more CO2 emissions than anything else naturally. Most testing is done on the ground and not in the atmosphere. I will never be a scientist but there is information out there that pokes holes in Crazy people like Gore's fear tactics. Recently, scientists unearthed a layer of rock that showed there was significant volcanic release of C02 in the atmosphere that may have been the demise of the dinosaurs. This was way more C02 than we could ever release currently. Guess we should plug up all the volcanoes.

Also, there have been studies to show that C02 may not be the main or even the largest contributor to rise in Earth's temperatures. It may be caused by something entirely out of our hands in some respect - nature. We forget we are tiny ants on a huge stage.

I can't speak too knowledgeably on the subject because frankly it bores me. The reason I am posting this at all is due to the fanatical nature of the issue and it's prevalence in our lives today. Also, due to the fact that Al Gore plans on spending $300 million on more fear tactics.

A famed philosopher once said "If everyone tells someone long enough that they are puppies, pretty soon they'll begin to roll over and bark for their supper." Okay, that was me. This is the state of our country right now. Minds are warped and told what to do by the media. Unfortunately, this means the more money you have (Like Al Bore) you can't make people believe what you want.

Here are some links which will help you believe there is something wrong with the foundation of the Green movement and it's efforts to TAX THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF US. PS I recycle about 1/4 of my household waste, turn off lights when I leave rooms and keep the temperature down as low as possible. Don't force me to pay $9 per watt of power because the power company now runs on nature-friendly wind power.

I Was On the Global Warming Gravy Train - David Evans - Mises Institute:

Two Excerpts:

1: "The pre-2000 ice core data was the central evidence for believing that atmospheric carbon caused temperature increases. The new ice core data shows that past warmings were *not* initially caused by rises in atmospheric carbon, and says nothing about the strength of any amplification. This piece of evidence casts reasonable doubt that atmospheric carbon had any role in past warmings, while still allowing the possibility that it had a supporting role."

2: "Unfortunately politics and science have become even more entangled. The science of global warming has become a partisan political issue, so positions become more entrenched. Politicians and the public prefer simple and less-nuanced messages. At the moment the political climate strongly supports carbon emissions as the cause of global warming, to the point of sometimes rubbishing or silencing critics."


Probe Ministries - Global Warming:

Two Excerpts:

1: "I have mentioned that the warming trend has been measured from ground stations. This distinction has been added because there is conflicting data from weather balloon and satellite data. The most significant warming has been measured in the last two decades. However the temperature of the atmosphere has remained constant over the last twenty years."

2: "If the warming trend is real, there may be another significant factor involved that has nothing to do with human interference: the sun. A measurement of solar activity in terms of the sunspot cycle length shows a strong correlation with global temperatures over the last 100 years: including the rise from 1920-1940, the dip from 1940 to 1980, and the rise over the last twenty years.

All these data seem to indicate that global warming, if it exists, is not likely to be due to human action."