Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Gates "Racial Profiling"

I am really starting to get irritated at how people are having to "come together" and have "focus groups" about racial profiling and the like because of Gates' arrest. This case had nothing to do with racial profiling and EVERYTHING to do with a hyper-sensitive, attention-grabbing, 'upper crust' of society asshole.

Watch one episode of COPS and you'll see if some white redneck is belligerent with a police officer, he'll be arrested. The first words out of Gate's mouth were race-related.

The true issue is that Gates is racist as he thinks white people stereotypically think the criminal is black. He should be charged with a hate crime against the police officer. If I were the officer, I'd dump my fucking beer on Gates' head when he meets with Obama...and hell while I'm there tell Obama the countdown to his leaving office makes me smile :)

Monday, July 13, 2009

God Bless the Billings Family.

Pray for Byrd and Melanie Billings and their children.

Monday, March 09, 2009

Obama the Anti Christ (Stem Cells)

Obama, previously there was speculation, but now you are officially the Anti-Christ. God save your soul.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


It is really sad to see the state of America at this point in time. Our economy is in crisis, financial markets in ruin, housing market in near collapse. The Liberals of course say one man is responsible...or the Republicans. That makes sense (maybe to finger-pointing children).

Obama's retort to the GOP's "failure" is to not go the same route of letting the market right itself (as it has always done in the past - take a quick history lesson in economics). He states we cannot do the same old thing that's been done. We need to spend spend spend.

Are any of us surprised? We know his track record...we saw it in the debates in 2008 and when he was voting present in corrupt Illinois.

It wasn't his first blunder, but when he signed the Spending Bill of 2009 (to much applause from the brainwashed crowd) he opened the door to more spending. What is 80 billion when you've just spend 800 billion?

I want to see someone keep a tally of his spending. He also snuck in the 34 billion for healthcare no one really spoke about. Add to that the $20 billion he promised Michigan during his campaign. And this is only the tip of the iceberg. I'm sure he's going to bail out the auto industry, though he said during his campaign he would limit that.

So, he's basically buying huge pieces of banks and strongly considering nationalizing the banking system in general. Soon, he'll buy the car companies...he'll "own" the unions with his favors, move even closer to nationalizing healthcare and on and on and on. This is why Europe loves him. He wants to model the United States of America after European ideals.

Did we not travel across the ocean to rid ourselves of this bullshit?

Obama is a fraud and opportunist preying on a weak America. Unfortunately for him we are a strong country and kick his ass out in 4 years. Counting the days....

New York Post Cartoon

Oh my, the NAACP is always on the edge of their seat waiting to point their finger. Do you think someone in America would have the audacity to portray a chimp as Obama? That is what the radicals are saying now in reference to the recent NY Post cartoon depicting two policemen shooting a chimp.

At first when I heard the story, I was hopeful that there was not any kind of racism. The cartoon is about the recent chimp who went awol....clearly a being that could not write a sensible bill. This is the relationship trying to be established.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it was not in the end Obama who wrote the bill...it was the Democrats.

It is the radicals like the Huffington Post and Daily Kos that keep racial tensions high and have their finger on the trigger. Thanks assholes!