In a press conference last night, Obama explained this is one of the worst financial binds our country has been in and the American people are teetering on the edge of a cliff. In his next breath: let me know if you need me.
He then goes on to say that McCain must meet with him in Missouri for the debate because this is what the people want. He does not want McCain to shun the debate or the people to discuss important matters.
This debate's theme: Foreign Policy.
All summer, McCain attempted to get Obama to debate with him at several town hall meetings and other events, but I suppose the people didn't want to hear debates then?
Obama: Not ready to lead. Never will be. Too cautious.
Even his VP selection said the AIG bailout was wrong. Barack cannot even control his own runningmate.
When major financial decisions were afoot in legislation, McCain spoke his mind. Obama said let's wait and see what is approved, and I will agree. This is Obama's history: voting "Present".
John McCain - Sarah Palin 2008