Thursday, June 08, 2006

Virgins for Abu Musab al-Zarqawi

On they interview Abu Musab's brother. He says he's a martyr and will join all of the other martyrs in heaven. I was trying to do the math ealier on how many virgins would be needed for all the Palestinian, nomadic terrorists, and others. That would be quite a lot. Couple questions:

1)How would they find that many?

2)Why would women who lived such a life be subjected to a "heaven" of rape by blood-thirsty maniacs?

3)How does Allah screen these women? Will he make sure none of the 100 virgins awaiting Abu Musab are not anyone he killed?

4)What the heckdo you have to do as a jihadist to go to Hell? You probably have to live a peaceful life, turn the other cheek, and love your neighbor.

Rot In Hell Asshole.


misneach said...

You don't actually think Fox News is actually News... do you?

I would try to explain to you why anyone on earth could ever possibly follow a madman like zarqawi, but based on your fox news reference I think you're too far gone to be reasoned with on the subject. I should only point out that the civilians who have been killed by U.S. troops and mercenaries (sorry, "defence contractors") are just as dead as those killed by the followers of the madman zarqawi.

Josh Jenkins said...

Actually, Fox news is the only opposing view to CNN, CBS, ABC news. I could go on but I won't. You seem to have an inside source - an invisible spider web with which you get your information on.

I realize why some people would follow him. He was a charasmatic individual with tainted and skewed beliefs. He used religion (an incorrect interpretation of it if you will) to further his "political" and radical views. I realize that many of these radical individuals have had horrible things happen in their life - poverty, destruction, etc. The issue is that they blame it on the big guys. They see Israel as taking up some of THEIR land and the US supports the Crusaders. Their entire "Cursader" mentality is flawed in the same respect that most of Africa think AIDS is an avoidable "affliction". These people don't have to change their culture completely, they just have to realize people's inate desire for peace. Unfortunately the only way to get the peace is often through war.

Yes, sometimes this makes what the US does (and other countries) horrible and sometimes unforgiveable.

Do you know why death and destruction continue? Because of power-hungry and radical individuals in Iraq. The majority of Iraq wants peace AND freedom. Wake up man.

Zarqawi was a foreigner in Iraq and the only people who wanted him there were his radical followers. Probably a lot of the insurgency didn't want him there because of his "distaceful" tactics, especially early on. He was smacked on the hand by other members of the Terrorist organization for being so cruel and unjust. He cut people's heads off, killed women and children intentionally.

While the US and others may accidently kill civilians which is a horrible thing, the main difference is that he intentially killed women and children and justified it.

That you would even defend him in any way shows YOUR ignorance. Perhaps you should discontinue thinking of Al-Jazeera as your NEWS SOURCE.

rowan said...

I second both your comments (if that makes sense). I'm posting from the afterlife, and I can tell you what happens to suicide bombers, etc.

The part of the Qu'ran which mentions the 72 virgins is actually mistranslated. It's like Adam and Eve's apple. The Latin for apple is 'malus', with a long 'u'. The Latin for evil is 'malus' with a short 'u'. Monks translated it into Latin and out again and 'Eve tempted Adam with evil' turned into 'Eve tempted Adam with an apple'.

The word for 'virgins' is the same kind of thing. Suicide bombers are put in a grey windowless room for eternity, not with 72 virgins, but with 72 raisins. It's quite a good punishment.