Thursday, October 05, 2006

Field Day for the Media

Oh goodness. Don't tell me you can't see when the media is excited over something! The recent scandal of the Republican Foley is definitely awful. However, the liberals infesting almost every media outlet in the United States sees the opportunity and bites. Not only can they smear Pedophile and Republican as close together on the page as possible, but they try and associate as many other Republican names as they can. Hastert isn't his daddy. If all the Pages and all these people in Congress allegedly knew about Foley's inappropirate behavior, why didn't any Democrat say anything about this earlier? The truth is no one knew except for Foley and his army of Pages.

The funniest thing was on the news the other day. I think I heard Nancy Pelosi exclaim she wanted "Bi-Partisan" cooperation with this. This coming from a woman who states on any given microphone that all Republicans are corrupt and are on the dark side of the Force. Can I give her a swift kick? Pleaaaassse????

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