Beth Baker
Liz Batavick - Married Brent Hood, found e-mail from 2004; currently living in Catonsville, Maryland [per]
Ryan Howe
Josh Jenkins
Leah Rock
Karen Keys Blog
Brigita Krall
Kelly Kwadar Blog
Gina Coco Picture (Middle Right)
Info (Scroll Down To 1998)
Nicole Conale
Jennifer Jenkins
Brian Wilbur Residence
Brian Wood
Adam Messler
Andy Illiano Social Networking Site (No verification but I'll wager $500 this is him)
John Blair
Melissa Blair
Kim Janowitz
Julie Mallek
Page Bourexis
Grace Marie Saville?
Erika West
Christina Floyd?
Laura Walsh
Kim Suski
Aaron Gilbert
Eric Reed (he was the short kid with blond hair right?)
Don't Remember these people's last names:
Tracy (left before graduation I believe)
So that is 28 people...uh oh I must have forgotten a bunch of people.
Also, I'm considering writing a blurb on everyone which may or may not be a good idea. I'll probably get angry e-mails.
Oh, if anyone happens upon this blog entry that went there, could you refresh my memory of the teacher's names for 7th & 8th Grade? I know one was Ms. Chatfield...horrible memory on that front.
7/29/07 Updated:
Meg - that makes 29 people
7/30/07 Updated:
Erica? Short black haired girl? Am I losing my mind? - that would make 30.
10/24/07 Updated:
I had Karen Keys twice.
Since I'm really bored, I'll try and track some information about each individual and post a link beside their names. I will only do this when extremely bored so don't hold your breath.
6/2/08 - The First 3 Photos Are From The 8th Grade (1989-1990) and
The Last Few Are From The 7th Grade (1988-1989):

Yep, Aaron Smith. I totally don't know why I forgot him. Bad not of Aaron, just a bad memory. Hi Julie. I corrected your last name :) I cheated though...going through old boxes my mom force on me and found 7th and 8th grade yearbooks. I have all the photos haha and names.
I will post all for those to suffer...yes including my awful picture.
hey josh,
phyllis marie semler (pms) was our 7th grade teacher, ms brink was our principal, mrs. seibel was our 8th grade etacher, christina farrow was in our class, nicole canale is married and lives in portland, oregon, i think adam messer is married and lives in florida. r u still married and l;iving in ellicott city? we shoud get together. email me at
also, lindsay bohlman
wow...............this's SO weird! i know you probably dont want a kid on here but i go to st. johns now and i found this completely by accident, and mrs. brink's still the principal and mrs. semler's the vice prinipal but mrs. brink is retiring after this school year! but for real this's so weird! st. johns has changed so much!!!! again sorry if this's like private!! (AGAIN WOW!)
This is a blog, so not private :) PMS is the VP?! We got out just in time.
haha shes not that bad! she's pretty quiet for the most part!
I go to St. John's too! And yeah Mrs.Brink's the principal and Mrs.Semler's the Vice Principal! And yeah St. John's has changed! I can't believe Mrs.Semler used to be your 7th grade teacher! By the way do you remember any of your teachers? Including your special teachers! Like your gym teacher and your music teacher. If you remember some of them can you please put them on here? Cause I want to see if they still work at the school! Thanks!
I didn't take music, but for gym was Mrs. Chatfield. Her husband was on the police force. She was the nicest teacher there I thought.
I go to St. John's too! And yeah Mrs.Brink's the principal and Mrs. Semler's the Vice Principal! But this is Mrs. Brink's last year!I can't believe Mrs.Semler used to teach 7th grade! By the way do you remember any of your teachers? Including your special teachers like you art teacher and your musci teacher? If you do can you please write them on here! I want to see if they still work at the school! Thanks!
Oh! We have a different gym teacher now! I don't like her very much!
A belated comment to all those in my old class. I apologize for all those terrible comments in your yearbooks. Ugh, I was so obnoxious.
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