Monday, December 01, 2008
Obama Memorabilia
For $10.00 you can own the original movie file of me burning the Washington Post with Obama's win on the cover. For $5.00 you can own the original picture file. Sorry, no ashes remain, they have been mailed directly to Moscow.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Mourning For Our Country - Welcome to the U.S.S.A.
It is a sad day for America. Obama the magnificent is President-Elect. The good thing is that over a half a hundred million people did not think he is ready to lead so everyone was not brainwashed.
The guy is scary. Every time he speaks, it is like he's the preacher and his audience the communicants. When people watch a speaker with glazed eyes, chanting the same lines over and over, it is scary.
We've seen what this type of behavior has turned in to....Germany when she was weak from war. Now America is weak from a struggling economy and financial market. Looking for change...a way out....not experience.
Blacks went out to vote simply because they want a black President. Where were they for Al Gore? Kerry? Racism is alive and well in the black community. In my state alone, 95% of blacks voted for Obama.
Now we have a scary liberal pushing socialist agendas across the board. The only good thing that came out of the elections is that the Senate is not filabuster-proof.
Like most Presidents before him, he will have to leave a lot of his ideas behind and come more to the center, no matter how much it pains him. However, those areas that he focuses on will be disasters. Spend money, raise taxes and install more and more liberals into the upper echelons of Capitol Hill.
I am wearing all black today to mourn the loss of our freedoms from big government, excessive taxes and spending, deaths of innocent babies...not to mention forthcoming deaths of innocent Iraqi lives.
Mark my words. When Obama starts yanking soldiers out of Iraq, Al Q will be more than happy to re-establish a base back in Iraq where they know the ground game. Obama will call Afghanistan a victory, pull resources and the terror will begin again there as well. After these two outposts of terrorist safe havens are secured, America, er should I say the U.S.S.A. needs to brace itself.
God save us.
The guy is scary. Every time he speaks, it is like he's the preacher and his audience the communicants. When people watch a speaker with glazed eyes, chanting the same lines over and over, it is scary.
We've seen what this type of behavior has turned in to....Germany when she was weak from war. Now America is weak from a struggling economy and financial market. Looking for change...a way out....not experience.
Blacks went out to vote simply because they want a black President. Where were they for Al Gore? Kerry? Racism is alive and well in the black community. In my state alone, 95% of blacks voted for Obama.
Now we have a scary liberal pushing socialist agendas across the board. The only good thing that came out of the elections is that the Senate is not filabuster-proof.
Like most Presidents before him, he will have to leave a lot of his ideas behind and come more to the center, no matter how much it pains him. However, those areas that he focuses on will be disasters. Spend money, raise taxes and install more and more liberals into the upper echelons of Capitol Hill.
I am wearing all black today to mourn the loss of our freedoms from big government, excessive taxes and spending, deaths of innocent babies...not to mention forthcoming deaths of innocent Iraqi lives.
Mark my words. When Obama starts yanking soldiers out of Iraq, Al Q will be more than happy to re-establish a base back in Iraq where they know the ground game. Obama will call Afghanistan a victory, pull resources and the terror will begin again there as well. After these two outposts of terrorist safe havens are secured, America, er should I say the U.S.S.A. needs to brace itself.
God save us.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Defining Moment for Obama
In a press conference last night, Obama explained this is one of the worst financial binds our country has been in and the American people are teetering on the edge of a cliff. In his next breath: let me know if you need me.
He then goes on to say that McCain must meet with him in Missouri for the debate because this is what the people want. He does not want McCain to shun the debate or the people to discuss important matters.
This debate's theme: Foreign Policy.
All summer, McCain attempted to get Obama to debate with him at several town hall meetings and other events, but I suppose the people didn't want to hear debates then?
Obama: Not ready to lead. Never will be. Too cautious.
Even his VP selection said the AIG bailout was wrong. Barack cannot even control his own runningmate.
When major financial decisions were afoot in legislation, McCain spoke his mind. Obama said let's wait and see what is approved, and I will agree. This is Obama's history: voting "Present".
John McCain - Sarah Palin 2008
He then goes on to say that McCain must meet with him in Missouri for the debate because this is what the people want. He does not want McCain to shun the debate or the people to discuss important matters.
This debate's theme: Foreign Policy.
All summer, McCain attempted to get Obama to debate with him at several town hall meetings and other events, but I suppose the people didn't want to hear debates then?
Obama: Not ready to lead. Never will be. Too cautious.
Even his VP selection said the AIG bailout was wrong. Barack cannot even control his own runningmate.
When major financial decisions were afoot in legislation, McCain spoke his mind. Obama said let's wait and see what is approved, and I will agree. This is Obama's history: voting "Present".
John McCain - Sarah Palin 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
China and He Kexin The Olympic Cheats
It is awful that China would push He Kexin into the Olympics. It is worse to lie about her age. It is horrendous that China would attempt a cover-up and continue to lie. Need proof? Check this out:
China, don't waste your time removing more documents. Thousands of Americans now have them on their computers. We will win the Olympics even if you cheat.
China, don't waste your time removing more documents. Thousands of Americans now have them on their computers. We will win the Olympics even if you cheat.
Monday, June 02, 2008
Petition Global Warming
See if you are eligible to sign the petition.
Their stated purpose:
The purpose of the Petition Project is to demonstrate that the claim of “settled science” and an overwhelming “consensus” in favor of the hypothesis of human-caused global warming and consequent climatological damage is wrong. No such consensus or settled science exists. As indicated by the petition text and signatory list, a very large number of American scientists reject this hypothesis.
Publicists at the United Nations, Mr. Al Gore, and their supporters frequently claim that only a few “skeptics” remain – skeptics who are still unconvinced about the existence of a catastrophic human-caused global warming emergency.
It is evident that 31,072 Americans with university degrees in science – including 9,021 PhDs, are not "a few." Moreover, from the clear and strong petition statement that they have signed, it is evident that these 31,072 American scientists are not “skeptics.”
These scientists are instead convinced that the human-caused global warming hypothesis is without scientific validity and that government action on the basis of this hypothesis would unnecessarily and counterproductively damage both human prosperity and the natural environment of the Earth.
Their stated purpose:
The purpose of the Petition Project is to demonstrate that the claim of “settled science” and an overwhelming “consensus” in favor of the hypothesis of human-caused global warming and consequent climatological damage is wrong. No such consensus or settled science exists. As indicated by the petition text and signatory list, a very large number of American scientists reject this hypothesis.
Publicists at the United Nations, Mr. Al Gore, and their supporters frequently claim that only a few “skeptics” remain – skeptics who are still unconvinced about the existence of a catastrophic human-caused global warming emergency.
It is evident that 31,072 Americans with university degrees in science – including 9,021 PhDs, are not "a few." Moreover, from the clear and strong petition statement that they have signed, it is evident that these 31,072 American scientists are not “skeptics.”
These scientists are instead convinced that the human-caused global warming hypothesis is without scientific validity and that government action on the basis of this hypothesis would unnecessarily and counterproductively damage both human prosperity and the natural environment of the Earth.
Friday, May 30, 2008
TiVo Series 2 (non-dual tuner) and Comcast Digital Cable
I recently made the "switch" to digital cable...had basic cable before but as I have had the immediate need for Internet connection at home now (Neighbor canceled their connection? hehe) it was just as cheap to stick with Comcast and get their Digital Double Plan for $1 more than what I pay for just cable alone. The price is $62/month for 12 months...then gets JACKED up to $104...but will probably have better options by then.
Anyway, if you've read my earlier posting about the Verizon FIOS TV fiasco, this one went a little smoother. Perhaps I just researched it better, dunno.
Let me give you a little background on my home theater setup. I have a receiver which I use as the command center for a DVD writer and a TiVo Series 2 (not a dual tuner). I previously had no cable box as just using the analog cable. This allowed me to record a show on TiVo while simultaneously recording a show on my DVD burner...and if I really wanted to watch a third show live on the TV output.
The big dilemma with going Digital when you have a series 2 TiVo is that the digital signal gives you 1 channel per set top box..and it does not have the option for cable cards like the TiVo HD and Series 3 has.
Fortunately, for those that are curious, you can still get the analog signal until February when it is shut off.
I wanted to post this information for the poor sods like me that have a Series 2 TiVo and are going Digital now or soon. Here is the setup I have. Keep in mind I'm using an AV Receiver to connect all the components together...you may be able to bypass a receiver if you have enough inputs on the back/front of your TV.
Basically, you'll have your coaxial cable coming from the wall. I have a three way splitter. Invest in a good one with low loss...every piece of equipment you hook up will degrade the signal.
Coaxial cable from wall to IN on 3-way splitter.
Splitter Out 1 to Cable Modem.
Splitter Out 2 to DVD Recorder. A note on this: this will record analog only - and will work only until February when the analog signal goes bye bye. This is due to the fact the signal doesn't pass through the required digital set top box provided by Comcast. Before February I'll be purchasing another STB (Set Top Box) and then the Splitter Out 2 will go to Cable Box 2 In; then Cable Box 2 Out to DVD recorder IN.
Splitter Out 3 to the Comcast STB IN; Comcast STB Out to TiVo IN.
That is the extent of the coaxial cabling...you don't even need to run the coaxial from the TiVo to the TV if you use RCA cabling (the yellow,white,red wires) between the TiVo and the TV.
On the Cable Box, I have RCA cabling going from the Digital Out to the TiVo's RCA Input jacks. You can substitute the yellow cable (just leave it hanging) and use an S-Video cable instead if you want to. That's it for the cable box.
Now for the TiVo, I have RCA jacks from one of the set of outputs it has running to the receiver's Satellite inputs. This way, when I want to use the TiVo, the receiver has to be set to SAT (Satellite). I also use an S-Video cable from TiVo out to the Receiver IN. This allows me to not use the yellow cable. It also means the 2nd thing I need to do when using the TiVo is set the input (from the receiver's remote) to S-Video. If you don't have a receiver, you'd just run RCA cabling from the TiVo OUT to the TV's input...that easy!
One last thing for the TiVo and don't cringe. You'll need to use either:
1)Serial cable
2)IR "Blaster" cabling
This will allow you to change channels using your TiVo remote...what happens is you push the channel selection on your TiVo remote and the Serial or IR transmits the information to the cable box and changes that channel on the box too. Very odd I know.
Keep in mind not all STBs have serial ports and even if they do - ask someone high up at the cable company if the serial port is enabled...a lot of them block its use for some reason and you'll be scratching your head for weeks if you don't ask.
If you can't use the serial cable, use the IR cables. If you don't have the one that came with the TiVo, you can buy some at RadioShack. I actually lost my TiVo IR but had one that came with the TV oddly enough. You plug the IR cable in the back of the TiVo (stereo port - looks like a headphone jack) and the other end is the light-emitting portion...you place these lights facing the front of the cable box. When you go through the guided setup later for TiVo - you'll select the IR connection and TiVo will test everything for you!
Other cabling things I have going on is the digital audio out from DVD to receiver which is auto detected when on DVD setting on receiver...also RCA plugs going from DVD player to receiver - again so the receiver can control it.
If I've missed anything or you have any questions, let me know...it was a nightmare at first for me. A lot of research and since people always have different components...instructions vary.
Oh, for the TiVo setup. As I had regular cable previously, I had to reprogram my TiVo for the new lineup. Not much actually changed but trust me you need to do it.
What complicated things for me is that the Comcast tech had no idea what the fuck he was doing and I was trying to do the guided setup on my TiVo and my High Speed Cable Internet Connection Kit had not arrived yet so the guided setup could not continue (needs to contact TiVo servers).
So WORD OF WARNING. Once you start the TiVo guided setup, you are required to have an Internet connection or phone line active or you are screwed. Did I mention I don't have a phone line anymore? Haha.
Good thing was I got the cable modem kit that night and set everything up around 1/3 way through Lost. I had to watch 1/3 of the finale of LOST on DVD and the rest on TiVo.
ANYWAY, start guided setup on the TiVo when everything is connected including the Internet connection. You can start it by going to Settings and Channels I think. TiVo I think even warns you about not being able to go back but I never read directions. It will ask you bone headed questions and then set up your TiVo remote to control your STB.
I will probably remove the STB until February when it is required...and order the new one for my DVD recorder and maybe a third for the TV upstairs. Yes, you still get the analog signal and can use until February so take advantage.
I don't need to tell you that it would be advantageous to get a Series 3 or HD TiVo because you can have 2 cable cards stuck on there...you will be able to record 2 digital shows at once, don't have the channel changing issues and can record above SD (Standard Definition).
Well at least TiVo recently started allowing current TiVo Subscribers to purchase lifetime subscriptions again for new units...$299 (like it was originally). That is why I still have my series 2...it has lifetime service and was upgraded to hold a lot of material. So, if you feel like spending $700-800 on a second TiVo, be my guest....just remember you'll need to purchase a separate STB for your old series 2 before February.
I really only made the switch because I'd lost free Internet access from a friendly neighbor and was only $1 more a month....
But keep in mind it will start getting really busy with people switching over to digital next year...do it during the dog days of summer.
More adventures in home theater systems later.
Anyway, if you've read my earlier posting about the Verizon FIOS TV fiasco, this one went a little smoother. Perhaps I just researched it better, dunno.
Let me give you a little background on my home theater setup. I have a receiver which I use as the command center for a DVD writer and a TiVo Series 2 (not a dual tuner). I previously had no cable box as just using the analog cable. This allowed me to record a show on TiVo while simultaneously recording a show on my DVD burner...and if I really wanted to watch a third show live on the TV output.
The big dilemma with going Digital when you have a series 2 TiVo is that the digital signal gives you 1 channel per set top box..and it does not have the option for cable cards like the TiVo HD and Series 3 has.
Fortunately, for those that are curious, you can still get the analog signal until February when it is shut off.
I wanted to post this information for the poor sods like me that have a Series 2 TiVo and are going Digital now or soon. Here is the setup I have. Keep in mind I'm using an AV Receiver to connect all the components together...you may be able to bypass a receiver if you have enough inputs on the back/front of your TV.
Basically, you'll have your coaxial cable coming from the wall. I have a three way splitter. Invest in a good one with low loss...every piece of equipment you hook up will degrade the signal.
Coaxial cable from wall to IN on 3-way splitter.
Splitter Out 1 to Cable Modem.
Splitter Out 2 to DVD Recorder. A note on this: this will record analog only - and will work only until February when the analog signal goes bye bye. This is due to the fact the signal doesn't pass through the required digital set top box provided by Comcast. Before February I'll be purchasing another STB (Set Top Box) and then the Splitter Out 2 will go to Cable Box 2 In; then Cable Box 2 Out to DVD recorder IN.
Splitter Out 3 to the Comcast STB IN; Comcast STB Out to TiVo IN.
That is the extent of the coaxial cabling...you don't even need to run the coaxial from the TiVo to the TV if you use RCA cabling (the yellow,white,red wires) between the TiVo and the TV.
On the Cable Box, I have RCA cabling going from the Digital Out to the TiVo's RCA Input jacks. You can substitute the yellow cable (just leave it hanging) and use an S-Video cable instead if you want to. That's it for the cable box.
Now for the TiVo, I have RCA jacks from one of the set of outputs it has running to the receiver's Satellite inputs. This way, when I want to use the TiVo, the receiver has to be set to SAT (Satellite). I also use an S-Video cable from TiVo out to the Receiver IN. This allows me to not use the yellow cable. It also means the 2nd thing I need to do when using the TiVo is set the input (from the receiver's remote) to S-Video. If you don't have a receiver, you'd just run RCA cabling from the TiVo OUT to the TV's input...that easy!
One last thing for the TiVo and don't cringe. You'll need to use either:
1)Serial cable
2)IR "Blaster" cabling
This will allow you to change channels using your TiVo remote...what happens is you push the channel selection on your TiVo remote and the Serial or IR transmits the information to the cable box and changes that channel on the box too. Very odd I know.
Keep in mind not all STBs have serial ports and even if they do - ask someone high up at the cable company if the serial port is enabled...a lot of them block its use for some reason and you'll be scratching your head for weeks if you don't ask.
If you can't use the serial cable, use the IR cables. If you don't have the one that came with the TiVo, you can buy some at RadioShack. I actually lost my TiVo IR but had one that came with the TV oddly enough. You plug the IR cable in the back of the TiVo (stereo port - looks like a headphone jack) and the other end is the light-emitting portion...you place these lights facing the front of the cable box. When you go through the guided setup later for TiVo - you'll select the IR connection and TiVo will test everything for you!
Other cabling things I have going on is the digital audio out from DVD to receiver which is auto detected when on DVD setting on receiver...also RCA plugs going from DVD player to receiver - again so the receiver can control it.
If I've missed anything or you have any questions, let me know...it was a nightmare at first for me. A lot of research and since people always have different components...instructions vary.
Oh, for the TiVo setup. As I had regular cable previously, I had to reprogram my TiVo for the new lineup. Not much actually changed but trust me you need to do it.
What complicated things for me is that the Comcast tech had no idea what the fuck he was doing and I was trying to do the guided setup on my TiVo and my High Speed Cable Internet Connection Kit had not arrived yet so the guided setup could not continue (needs to contact TiVo servers).
So WORD OF WARNING. Once you start the TiVo guided setup, you are required to have an Internet connection or phone line active or you are screwed. Did I mention I don't have a phone line anymore? Haha.
Good thing was I got the cable modem kit that night and set everything up around 1/3 way through Lost. I had to watch 1/3 of the finale of LOST on DVD and the rest on TiVo.
ANYWAY, start guided setup on the TiVo when everything is connected including the Internet connection. You can start it by going to Settings and Channels I think. TiVo I think even warns you about not being able to go back but I never read directions. It will ask you bone headed questions and then set up your TiVo remote to control your STB.
I will probably remove the STB until February when it is required...and order the new one for my DVD recorder and maybe a third for the TV upstairs. Yes, you still get the analog signal and can use until February so take advantage.
I don't need to tell you that it would be advantageous to get a Series 3 or HD TiVo because you can have 2 cable cards stuck on there...you will be able to record 2 digital shows at once, don't have the channel changing issues and can record above SD (Standard Definition).
Well at least TiVo recently started allowing current TiVo Subscribers to purchase lifetime subscriptions again for new units...$299 (like it was originally). That is why I still have my series 2...it has lifetime service and was upgraded to hold a lot of material. So, if you feel like spending $700-800 on a second TiVo, be my guest....just remember you'll need to purchase a separate STB for your old series 2 before February.
I really only made the switch because I'd lost free Internet access from a friendly neighbor and was only $1 more a month....
But keep in mind it will start getting really busy with people switching over to digital next year...do it during the dog days of summer.
More adventures in home theater systems later.
Friday, April 04, 2008
Green Bandwagon
Are you green enough? The recent media coverage gives us a daily barrage of their new favorite color. Every frigging magazine I pick up has green articles - green PCs, green vacations, green houses. What is going on?
I like nature. In fact I love it. However this recent mania...yes mania is sweeping the US as it has across Europe and other areas of the world. What is the basis of the argument for going green?
The basis is that humans are polluting our planet. Furthermore we are creating C02 from our factories, cars and from our parasitic mouths.
CO2 has long been known as a greenhouse gas...something that (in a nutshell) can potentially increase a planet's temperatures and turn a beautiful planet into something similar to Mars.
The green people in the world say that humans are creating more C02 emissions than ever before and we need to make it stop before we destroy our planet. We need to tax companies, set restrictive guidelines on people, companies and more, invest in new technologies. Basically spend billions and billions of dollars. This is not a laughable amount. Cumulatively this is what it would cost in the long run if not more.
But wait wait wait...before we spend Billions upon Billions lets look at the specs. Are humans really doing this to our planet? Is C02 really the bad guy? Many leading scientists say no. Immediately when anyone says something like this, Eco Nazi's eyes turn red with anger and they will turn the seal clubs on you. You must be a BUSH lover or a Republican. Well as a matter of fact I am of the GOP but I am also a nature lover. I don't think many people in this country want to see our world go to crap and melt away in the sun.
The truth is it has not been significantly proved that humans are causing any more CO2 emissions than anything else naturally. Most testing is done on the ground and not in the atmosphere. I will never be a scientist but there is information out there that pokes holes in Crazy people like Gore's fear tactics. Recently, scientists unearthed a layer of rock that showed there was significant volcanic release of C02 in the atmosphere that may have been the demise of the dinosaurs. This was way more C02 than we could ever release currently. Guess we should plug up all the volcanoes.
Also, there have been studies to show that C02 may not be the main or even the largest contributor to rise in Earth's temperatures. It may be caused by something entirely out of our hands in some respect - nature. We forget we are tiny ants on a huge stage.
I can't speak too knowledgeably on the subject because frankly it bores me. The reason I am posting this at all is due to the fanatical nature of the issue and it's prevalence in our lives today. Also, due to the fact that Al Gore plans on spending $300 million on more fear tactics.
A famed philosopher once said "If everyone tells someone long enough that they are puppies, pretty soon they'll begin to roll over and bark for their supper." Okay, that was me. This is the state of our country right now. Minds are warped and told what to do by the media. Unfortunately, this means the more money you have (Like Al Bore) you can't make people believe what you want.
Here are some links which will help you believe there is something wrong with the foundation of the Green movement and it's efforts to TAX THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF US. PS I recycle about 1/4 of my household waste, turn off lights when I leave rooms and keep the temperature down as low as possible. Don't force me to pay $9 per watt of power because the power company now runs on nature-friendly wind power.
I Was On the Global Warming Gravy Train - David Evans - Mises Institute:
Two Excerpts:
1: "The pre-2000 ice core data was the central evidence for believing that atmospheric carbon caused temperature increases. The new ice core data shows that past warmings were *not* initially caused by rises in atmospheric carbon, and says nothing about the strength of any amplification. This piece of evidence casts reasonable doubt that atmospheric carbon had any role in past warmings, while still allowing the possibility that it had a supporting role."
2: "Unfortunately politics and science have become even more entangled. The science of global warming has become a partisan political issue, so positions become more entrenched. Politicians and the public prefer simple and less-nuanced messages. At the moment the political climate strongly supports carbon emissions as the cause of global warming, to the point of sometimes rubbishing or silencing critics."
Probe Ministries - Global Warming:
Two Excerpts:
1: "I have mentioned that the warming trend has been measured from ground stations. This distinction has been added because there is conflicting data from weather balloon and satellite data. The most significant warming has been measured in the last two decades. However the temperature of the atmosphere has remained constant over the last twenty years."
2: "If the warming trend is real, there may be another significant factor involved that has nothing to do with human interference: the sun. A measurement of solar activity in terms of the sunspot cycle length shows a strong correlation with global temperatures over the last 100 years: including the rise from 1920-1940, the dip from 1940 to 1980, and the rise over the last twenty years.
All these data seem to indicate that global warming, if it exists, is not likely to be due to human action."
I like nature. In fact I love it. However this recent mania...yes mania is sweeping the US as it has across Europe and other areas of the world. What is the basis of the argument for going green?
The basis is that humans are polluting our planet. Furthermore we are creating C02 from our factories, cars and from our parasitic mouths.
CO2 has long been known as a greenhouse gas...something that (in a nutshell) can potentially increase a planet's temperatures and turn a beautiful planet into something similar to Mars.
The green people in the world say that humans are creating more C02 emissions than ever before and we need to make it stop before we destroy our planet. We need to tax companies, set restrictive guidelines on people, companies and more, invest in new technologies. Basically spend billions and billions of dollars. This is not a laughable amount. Cumulatively this is what it would cost in the long run if not more.
But wait wait wait...before we spend Billions upon Billions lets look at the specs. Are humans really doing this to our planet? Is C02 really the bad guy? Many leading scientists say no. Immediately when anyone says something like this, Eco Nazi's eyes turn red with anger and they will turn the seal clubs on you. You must be a BUSH lover or a Republican. Well as a matter of fact I am of the GOP but I am also a nature lover. I don't think many people in this country want to see our world go to crap and melt away in the sun.
The truth is it has not been significantly proved that humans are causing any more CO2 emissions than anything else naturally. Most testing is done on the ground and not in the atmosphere. I will never be a scientist but there is information out there that pokes holes in Crazy people like Gore's fear tactics. Recently, scientists unearthed a layer of rock that showed there was significant volcanic release of C02 in the atmosphere that may have been the demise of the dinosaurs. This was way more C02 than we could ever release currently. Guess we should plug up all the volcanoes.
Also, there have been studies to show that C02 may not be the main or even the largest contributor to rise in Earth's temperatures. It may be caused by something entirely out of our hands in some respect - nature. We forget we are tiny ants on a huge stage.
I can't speak too knowledgeably on the subject because frankly it bores me. The reason I am posting this at all is due to the fanatical nature of the issue and it's prevalence in our lives today. Also, due to the fact that Al Gore plans on spending $300 million on more fear tactics.
A famed philosopher once said "If everyone tells someone long enough that they are puppies, pretty soon they'll begin to roll over and bark for their supper." Okay, that was me. This is the state of our country right now. Minds are warped and told what to do by the media. Unfortunately, this means the more money you have (Like Al Bore) you can't make people believe what you want.
Here are some links which will help you believe there is something wrong with the foundation of the Green movement and it's efforts to TAX THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF US. PS I recycle about 1/4 of my household waste, turn off lights when I leave rooms and keep the temperature down as low as possible. Don't force me to pay $9 per watt of power because the power company now runs on nature-friendly wind power.
I Was On the Global Warming Gravy Train - David Evans - Mises Institute:
Two Excerpts:
1: "The pre-2000 ice core data was the central evidence for believing that atmospheric carbon caused temperature increases. The new ice core data shows that past warmings were *not* initially caused by rises in atmospheric carbon, and says nothing about the strength of any amplification. This piece of evidence casts reasonable doubt that atmospheric carbon had any role in past warmings, while still allowing the possibility that it had a supporting role."
2: "Unfortunately politics and science have become even more entangled. The science of global warming has become a partisan political issue, so positions become more entrenched. Politicians and the public prefer simple and less-nuanced messages. At the moment the political climate strongly supports carbon emissions as the cause of global warming, to the point of sometimes rubbishing or silencing critics."
Probe Ministries - Global Warming:
Two Excerpts:
1: "I have mentioned that the warming trend has been measured from ground stations. This distinction has been added because there is conflicting data from weather balloon and satellite data. The most significant warming has been measured in the last two decades. However the temperature of the atmosphere has remained constant over the last twenty years."
2: "If the warming trend is real, there may be another significant factor involved that has nothing to do with human interference: the sun. A measurement of solar activity in terms of the sunspot cycle length shows a strong correlation with global temperatures over the last 100 years: including the rise from 1920-1940, the dip from 1940 to 1980, and the rise over the last twenty years.
All these data seem to indicate that global warming, if it exists, is not likely to be due to human action."
Friday, March 07, 2008
African American DNA Research
Are you black/African American and interested in what Y-DNA Genealogical research can do for tracing your roots? Check out: http://www.africandna.com/. They are a sister site of Family Tree DNA.com
Ancestry.com's DNA Foray Headed For Doom
While having DNA as part of a genealogical research business is a major undertaking, you'd think that the behemoth of them all would get it right. Not even close. A few years ago when I saw Ancestry.com was offering DNA testing (their own), I thought this was interesting...perhaps a lot of people will start doing this. Unfortunately, they did not rely on popular standards (markers) in which they wanted to test with...I'm not sure why exactly their first attempt at including DNA research failed, but it did.
Their second foray into the Genealogical DNA realm began in 2007...with a lot of marketing and hoopla. Now it is March, 2008...they have their blog up, you can order kits, and um is that it? Pretty much. No surname project sites...where's the community?
Their prices are seriously flawed....$199 for a 46 marker test...when you can spend a little more at FamilyTreeDNA and get a 67 marker test. I know what you're saying...more doesn't mean better...but these new markers (they jumped from 37-67) have proven very useful in further refining and distinguishing relationships.
A Genealogical DNA research company without community is useless. People on the blogs state they are receiving matches that say they have 60-70 generation relationships. How do you make an already confusing (to DNA newbies) process even more confusing? Throw useless data at them.
The truth is Ancestry.com is holding out releasing the Surname Projects because they have no community. Who joins projects with 0 or 1 person? The core of the issue is the testing company behind the scenes - Sorensen. While it is a great research group, the problem is their focus. They were not focused as much on surname groups prior to hitching with Ancestry.com and this is the current dilemma.
If Ancestry.com had joined forces with Family Tree DNA, there would have been an explosion in interest and pre-existing surname groups (with pre-existing Administrators like myself).
I see Ancestry.com flopping on this second attempt. Hopefully they aren't so big they won't see their mistake early on. Please make the switch to Family Tree DNA and admit your mistake. Don't take $$$ over substance. I personally love Ancestry.com and the databases and price structure...just not the DNA side.
If you are interested in DNA Genealogical research, please visit http://www.familytreedna.com They have surname groups you can browse through and lots of information on this type of research if you are new.
Of note, they are also coupling with RelativeGenetics.com so they will have some community...but it is pitiful in relation to community presence at FTDNA.
Their second foray into the Genealogical DNA realm began in 2007...with a lot of marketing and hoopla. Now it is March, 2008...they have their blog up, you can order kits, and um is that it? Pretty much. No surname project sites...where's the community?
Their prices are seriously flawed....$199 for a 46 marker test...when you can spend a little more at FamilyTreeDNA and get a 67 marker test. I know what you're saying...more doesn't mean better...but these new markers (they jumped from 37-67) have proven very useful in further refining and distinguishing relationships.
A Genealogical DNA research company without community is useless. People on the blogs state they are receiving matches that say they have 60-70 generation relationships. How do you make an already confusing (to DNA newbies) process even more confusing? Throw useless data at them.
The truth is Ancestry.com is holding out releasing the Surname Projects because they have no community. Who joins projects with 0 or 1 person? The core of the issue is the testing company behind the scenes - Sorensen. While it is a great research group, the problem is their focus. They were not focused as much on surname groups prior to hitching with Ancestry.com and this is the current dilemma.
If Ancestry.com had joined forces with Family Tree DNA, there would have been an explosion in interest and pre-existing surname groups (with pre-existing Administrators like myself).
I see Ancestry.com flopping on this second attempt. Hopefully they aren't so big they won't see their mistake early on. Please make the switch to Family Tree DNA and admit your mistake. Don't take $$$ over substance. I personally love Ancestry.com and the databases and price structure...just not the DNA side.
If you are interested in DNA Genealogical research, please visit http://www.familytreedna.com They have surname groups you can browse through and lots of information on this type of research if you are new.
Of note, they are also coupling with RelativeGenetics.com so they will have some community...but it is pitiful in relation to community presence at FTDNA.
Mortgage Crisis - I'm Not Going To Pay For Your Mistake And You Are NOT Victims.
Just so we're clear, the media's and government's stance on the mortgage crisis is that we should bail everyone out? I've heard of even student loans possibly being frozen. This is all completely ridiculous.
Every news story on the matter has some innocent "victim" telling about their sob story. They didn't read the fine print...they didn't know the market would turn on them.
So you are telling me they decided to make the largest investment in their life...perhaps multi-hundred thousand purchase and they didn't research the payment terms? Suck up your frigging mistakes!
I do not want to bail out these people. The unfortunate reality is some people cannot afford the homes they want. They may have to get a cheaper home...or rent. I am in a townhouse. Do you think I want to live in a townhouse? No, it is what I could afford...barely.
My wife and I started out with two mortgages...one fixed and 1 15 year balloon. We knew at the outset we'd have to refinance that 1 or both as soon as possible. We didn't want to risk our home in the adjustable rate market either.
BGE - our local gas/electric company always sends out a slip that allows you to donate to people who cannot afford their utilities. Are our mortgage companies going to start sending similar slips out that are mandatory or are they going to tack on a service fee to have us pay down other's mortgages?
I do not want to pay for someone else's mistake - whether it be through fees or taxes.
There are two parties at fault in this:
1)The Lenders - they should not offer these bullshit loans...including the interest only. I believe reform is due in this area and support that.
2)The Borrowers - they are about 90% at fault. Do your frigging research idiots. Don't buy outside of your means. Have a plan. Have a budget. Be responsible. If you can't afford it, make a change to be able to afford something else.
Don't foreclose...don't pay late. This affects me too as you are destroying the US market. You have a million bills right? Keep the roof over your head. Pay your mortgage bill first.
Every news story on the matter has some innocent "victim" telling about their sob story. They didn't read the fine print...they didn't know the market would turn on them.
So you are telling me they decided to make the largest investment in their life...perhaps multi-hundred thousand purchase and they didn't research the payment terms? Suck up your frigging mistakes!
I do not want to bail out these people. The unfortunate reality is some people cannot afford the homes they want. They may have to get a cheaper home...or rent. I am in a townhouse. Do you think I want to live in a townhouse? No, it is what I could afford...barely.
My wife and I started out with two mortgages...one fixed and 1 15 year balloon. We knew at the outset we'd have to refinance that 1 or both as soon as possible. We didn't want to risk our home in the adjustable rate market either.
BGE - our local gas/electric company always sends out a slip that allows you to donate to people who cannot afford their utilities. Are our mortgage companies going to start sending similar slips out that are mandatory or are they going to tack on a service fee to have us pay down other's mortgages?
I do not want to pay for someone else's mistake - whether it be through fees or taxes.
There are two parties at fault in this:
1)The Lenders - they should not offer these bullshit loans...including the interest only. I believe reform is due in this area and support that.
2)The Borrowers - they are about 90% at fault. Do your frigging research idiots. Don't buy outside of your means. Have a plan. Have a budget. Be responsible. If you can't afford it, make a change to be able to afford something else.
Don't foreclose...don't pay late. This affects me too as you are destroying the US market. You have a million bills right? Keep the roof over your head. Pay your mortgage bill first.
Militants in Israel
The recent massacre in Israel of innocent civilians again portrays a lot of the Palestinian people in a bad light. While we'd all like to believe these radicals are just a select few, we continually see them defy logic. Watching the Palestinians dance in the street makes you think they all have some odd delusion running through their heads. They do.
To what end does killing innocent civilians have?
1. Continue to derail the peace process.
2. Attribute the Palestinian people to murderers to the Western World.
3. Continue the cycle of violence.
Everything was at least peaceful in the region until the idiots starting lobbing rockets into Israel. Until they get a government that can control their people, there will be no peace. You can't say there may be peace and you can't say they will get land if they keep killing people.
Israel has every right to defend itself...unfortunately this does end up affecting some of the innocents in Palestine. Again, these type of actions have bad affects...with Hamas picking up the pieces...giving handouts to the poor and making them look like the "good guys" and Israel the "infidels"...which I'm sure they may mention to their charity.
To what end does killing innocent civilians have?
1. Continue to derail the peace process.
2. Attribute the Palestinian people to murderers to the Western World.
3. Continue the cycle of violence.
Everything was at least peaceful in the region until the idiots starting lobbing rockets into Israel. Until they get a government that can control their people, there will be no peace. You can't say there may be peace and you can't say they will get land if they keep killing people.
Israel has every right to defend itself...unfortunately this does end up affecting some of the innocents in Palestine. Again, these type of actions have bad affects...with Hamas picking up the pieces...giving handouts to the poor and making them look like the "good guys" and Israel the "infidels"...which I'm sure they may mention to their charity.
Monday, March 03, 2008
Sherman J. Silber, M.D. - Go Back To School
Taken from Boston.com: http://www.boston.com/news/local/articles/2008/03/02/a_4_year_old_ambassador_against_fear/
"This is what "internationally renowned" Sherman J. Silber, M.D., writes in his "completely revised and updated" book "How to Get Pregnant," published by Little Brown and Co. last August: "The biggest fear of most pregnant women is that their child will be abnormal, and the most common abnormality they worry about is Down syndrome. . . . These children are severely retarded mentally, and they usually die before their thirtieth birthday."
more stories like this
He also writes: "We can prevent couples from having to face the horror of giving birth to children with otherwise devastating genetic defects such as Down syndrome, cystic fibrosis, muscular dystrophy, mental retardation, etc., that terrify every woman who ever gets pregnant."
Silber's book has sold more than 400,000 copies. It's been translated into Spanish, German, and Russian. He's been on "Oprah," "Good Morning America," and NPR.
Silber may be popular, but he is wrong."
Great article - check it out. I cannot believe this idiot is a Doctor.
"This is what "internationally renowned" Sherman J. Silber, M.D., writes in his "completely revised and updated" book "How to Get Pregnant," published by Little Brown and Co. last August: "The biggest fear of most pregnant women is that their child will be abnormal, and the most common abnormality they worry about is Down syndrome. . . . These children are severely retarded mentally, and they usually die before their thirtieth birthday."
more stories like this
He also writes: "We can prevent couples from having to face the horror of giving birth to children with otherwise devastating genetic defects such as Down syndrome, cystic fibrosis, muscular dystrophy, mental retardation, etc., that terrify every woman who ever gets pregnant."
Silber's book has sold more than 400,000 copies. It's been translated into Spanish, German, and Russian. He's been on "Oprah," "Good Morning America," and NPR.
Silber may be popular, but he is wrong."
Great article - check it out. I cannot believe this idiot is a Doctor.
Monday, February 18, 2008
UNC Professor Says Terminate Fetuses with Down Syndrome
Please see the article here: http://www.lifenews.com/state2906.html
I e-mailed the Chancellor. You can contact UNC here at:
ACTION: Contact UNC about Professor Harris at Office of the Chancellor, 103 South Building, Campus Box 9100, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-9100. Email chancellor@unc.edu, call (919) 962-1365 or fax (919) 962-1647.
Here's my e-mail:
I recently read the article about Professor Harris explaining to students his opinion that fetuses found to have certain trisomies should be aborted. Where did you find this post-war Nazi? Seriously I've heard many Professors opinions during my college years and nothing has offended me as much as hearing this.
My son has Trisomy 21 DS and he is not a regret, he is a member of my family. I don't need to explain this to you. But, what you need to do is either ask your Professor to apologize to people with disabilities or fire him on the spot. I would like for some students to bring in some College Students with DS (yes, oh my God some do manage to make it through life) to sit in on a lecture and have him repeat his stance.
REPLY 2/20/08
Thank you for taking the time to write and let us know that you were offended by the statement that our biology professor made. We at the University are guided by the principles of academic freedom, and our understanding is that Professor Harris was trying to illustrate the ethical and moral questions that science sometimes presents. Nevertheless, his comments were insensitive and hurtful, particularly to those whose lives have been enriched by a child or family member with Down syndrome.
Nancy Davis
Associate Vice Chancellor for University Relations
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
I e-mailed the Chancellor. You can contact UNC here at:
ACTION: Contact UNC about Professor Harris at Office of the Chancellor, 103 South Building, Campus Box 9100, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-9100. Email chancellor@unc.edu, call (919) 962-1365 or fax (919) 962-1647.
Here's my e-mail:
I recently read the article about Professor Harris explaining to students his opinion that fetuses found to have certain trisomies should be aborted. Where did you find this post-war Nazi? Seriously I've heard many Professors opinions during my college years and nothing has offended me as much as hearing this.
My son has Trisomy 21 DS and he is not a regret, he is a member of my family. I don't need to explain this to you. But, what you need to do is either ask your Professor to apologize to people with disabilities or fire him on the spot. I would like for some students to bring in some College Students with DS (yes, oh my God some do manage to make it through life) to sit in on a lecture and have him repeat his stance.
REPLY 2/20/08
Thank you for taking the time to write and let us know that you were offended by the statement that our biology professor made. We at the University are guided by the principles of academic freedom, and our understanding is that Professor Harris was trying to illustrate the ethical and moral questions that science sometimes presents. Nevertheless, his comments were insensitive and hurtful, particularly to those whose lives have been enriched by a child or family member with Down syndrome.
Nancy Davis
Associate Vice Chancellor for University Relations
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Thursday, January 03, 2008
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