Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Mourning For Our Country - Welcome to the U.S.S.A.

It is a sad day for America. Obama the magnificent is President-Elect. The good thing is that over a half a hundred million people did not think he is ready to lead so everyone was not brainwashed.

The guy is scary. Every time he speaks, it is like he's the preacher and his audience the communicants. When people watch a speaker with glazed eyes, chanting the same lines over and over, it is scary.

We've seen what this type of behavior has turned in to....Germany when she was weak from war. Now America is weak from a struggling economy and financial market. Looking for change...a way out....not experience.

Blacks went out to vote simply because they want a black President. Where were they for Al Gore? Kerry? Racism is alive and well in the black community. In my state alone, 95% of blacks voted for Obama.

Now we have a scary liberal pushing socialist agendas across the board. The only good thing that came out of the elections is that the Senate is not filabuster-proof.

Like most Presidents before him, he will have to leave a lot of his ideas behind and come more to the center, no matter how much it pains him. However, those areas that he focuses on will be disasters. Spend money, raise taxes and install more and more liberals into the upper echelons of Capitol Hill.

I am wearing all black today to mourn the loss of our freedoms from big government, excessive taxes and spending, deaths of innocent babies...not to mention forthcoming deaths of innocent Iraqi lives.

Mark my words. When Obama starts yanking soldiers out of Iraq, Al Q will be more than happy to re-establish a base back in Iraq where they know the ground game. Obama will call Afghanistan a victory, pull resources and the terror will begin again there as well. After these two outposts of terrorist safe havens are secured, America, er should I say the U.S.S.A. needs to brace itself.

God save us.

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