Tuesday, April 18, 2006

"Black-Owned" Blog

Thank you for visiting my blog! No, it is not "black-owned"...I just wanted to express how I feel about this ridiculous idea. The statement is made by businesses stating their owner(s) is black reflecting the idea that therefore it should be supported by the black community before ol' Whitey's Sub Shop. The same thought process comes from:


Again, this is making race a factor in something it should not be. What minorities and others don't realize is that it further divides races by giving one preferential treatment over another.
As the black and Hispanic populations continue to grow in this country, it is not hard to imagine whites becoming a minority at some point.

In an effort not to be hypocritical and restrain myself, as soon as whites become the minority, I'm going to open the first "White-owned" business. Of course it will be bullet and fireproof with barbed wire around it.

Don't hate me. You know I'm right.

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