Thursday, May 11, 2006

John Kerry Has Lost The Election - ATTENTION!

Just a quick reminder...scratch that. Not a reminder - a notice. For all of you out there who still have John Kerry stickers on your bumper - TAKE IT OFF. You lost and every time I see a sticker I see a BIG LOSER.

It is funny because a lot of the stickers look brand new. Are they still pumping these out from

I just went to the site. OMG, he made a speech about how we should be able to speak out against the war while at the same time remain patriotic. Go to another link on the page and he is shaking a soldier's hand and they both are smiling. I'm sure Kerry is not telling him to stop fighting in this misguided and wasteful war.

You know, there is some dumb ass in my parking garage at work who has a Kerry sticker. Not only is it a Kerry sticker but it reads:

"African Americans for John Kerry"

Can you f'ing believe that? If that is not throwing race into some place it doesn't belong, I don't know what is. I find this very offensive. It is offensive to blacks who know affirmative action is dead wrong. This is a small but growing percentage of black America. I think the last figure I heard several months ago was around 10%.

You know what has a better ring to it?

"Caucasians for Kerry"


"Blacks for Bush"

Let's use some alliteration okay guys?

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