Thursday, March 30, 2006

Affirmative Action = Racism

Affirmative action, the stance that more minorities should be accepted into Universities or more minorities should be employed at certain jobs in an effort to balance the numbers of different races in schooling systems and areas of employment is racism at its core. Wow, was that a run-on sentence? I appologize.

Think about it. Allowing one group a better chance at being accepted into a school, a job, or something else is racist! For instance, some schools give you bonus "entrance" points for being a particular race. That means if a white kid in the suburbs busted his ass to get to school, got decent grades, and partakes in a few sports etc. the black or Mexican kid who shows up to school irregularly, gets passing grades, and is maybe involved in 1 extracurr. activity will get in.

I hear groups like the NAACP and the radical ACLU scream that minorities do poorly in school and need help getting ahead. Well that is the problem - we need to get to the root of the problem, not chastise those who work their asses off.

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