Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Bring Our Troops Home? (and Rant sorry)

This is obviously on everyone's mind right now. Our boys are knee deep in shit over in the desert with no end in sight. Comparitively with other wars, we have seen a dramatic decrease in the amount of US dead. We cannot of course simply look at US casualties as thousands of Iraqis have died during this conflict.

Many radical Dems (Rep. Mertha of PA as an example) have stated we should bring the troops home now. Often these liberals throw crap like this into the media to cause a stir...heck it got John Kerry all excited. Other individuals that do this constantly are Sen. Barbara Boxer (CA) and Nancy Pilozzi (sp?). One of the two latter individuals recently stated that after one Republican representative was in trouble with one scandal or another (as many have), that the entire Republican Party is corrupt. That's all people need to say anymore and the media loves it. They just egg it on...the media is now the megaphone for the Democrats.

[Please excuse the following rant]

There may be one exception as far as television is concerned. Thank God for Fox News. You'll note that VP Cheney went on Fox News to set the record straight on the hunting incident where he accidently shot his friend. He knew they would report the story as is and not question things that liberal media/Democrats had:

Why did Cheney delay reporting the news?
Why is Cheney so quiet?
Cheney had a beer for lunch - why was he hunting?

It makes me angry that when someone went something tramatic like that, they have to answer to these asshole reporters and Dems.

[Rant over]

Anyway, we have an obligation to get Iraq out of the shit hole we got it into. Obviously many things were overlooked. What did we learn in preschool people? When you f#*$ something up, fix it. Don't leave it for someone else. I think we can really do something great for Iraq and the rest of the world by completing this mission. If we leave too soon, we'll be facing the consequences of that mistake for decades to come.

Do your troops overseas a favor. Believe in them and it will help them. Egg the media on with anti-war this and "Quagmire" that and suck the morale out of them. You choose.

1 comment:

The Fly said...

Dude, that was outstanding.