Monday, March 27, 2006

Meaning of Life

What is the meaning of life? Obviously it is different for everyone. Not until 2003 did I finally realize what it was for me.

In the early 1980's, while I ran around the house looking for the perfect spot to throw my ice crystal and magically grow Superman's castle, I was sure I was meant to be the "true" Superman once I grew up.

Later, America and The Education Machine taught me I could choose whatever I wanted in life and become it. It would just take 16 years give or take of schooling.

In 1994, I'd decided to join the ranks in California Polytechnic State University as an Aeronautical Engineer...making the move from Maryland. By 1996 I was pondering my third major in college and had no idea where I was going.

Lucky for me, these sets of issues led me to my wife.

I'd never known what having children really meant until my wife and I had our first child. They are your everything from that point on - or at least they should be! Even though we just had our second child in 2005, I knew after our first that having children was my meaning of life. I can say that with the boldest of confidence and surety.

And of course like most things in my life, it just fell into my lap, hehe.

1 comment:

The Fly said...

That was beautiful, dude.