Monday, March 27, 2006

Missionaries in Afghanistan

Recent news....many of the radical clerics and Muslims in Afgh. want the convert over there to die since he converted from the Muslim faith to Christianity. This was their strict Muslim law. They actually had a protest with hundreds of people calling for his death.

Obviously, the Pres. who has close ties to the West has been so pressured by World Leaders and is in such a beaming media spotlight, he could never go through with this hardline approach (killing this man).

This guy better already have an armed escort out of the country.

If not, I think a bunch of us infidels should get together, go over there and escort Mr. Abdul Rahman out of the country and also hand out Bibles and try to convert a few more "misguided" and "mentally ill" individuals.

I guess in one sense you have to be crazy to convert and stay there...and then tell your family! I wonder what would have happened if Rahman never made the news...would he have been "justifiably" killed? Crazy.

Some of the Muslims are still fighting the Crusades over there! Can you believe this? Didn't we get rid of these nutjobs when we ousted most of the Taliban?

1 comment:

The Fly said...

Yeah, pretty much.