Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Cindy Sheehan Riding the Wave of Fame

Cindy Sheehan. What comes to mind...?

You'd think that a mother of a slain soldier would be proud of her son for his sacrifice in the War. What has she accomplished in the face of his death? She has stepped on his name. She has belittled everything her son stood for..and what - to further her political agenda? Horrible.

Everytime I think of her, I see the AP photo of her in my head as she is crowdsurfing, smiling & basking in the glory of her recent fame. Has she forgotten what she has done to her son's name? It seems her new cause is to make headlines by performing silly publicity stunts.

Sad woman, go home and stop disgracing your son and his buddies who are still over in Iraq.

1 comment:

The Fly said...

Darth Sheehan has embraced the dark side of the Farce.