Friday, March 31, 2006

Cops Pull Over Way Too Many Blacks

I've heard this news story time and time again and in almost every instance, the full truth is not disclosed. The reports say, "The numbers tell the tale of racism!" I say, look at the ratio of blacks vs. whites in the cities they are documenting. Of course a city with 75-80% of the population being black will have a great deal more blacks being pulled over when compared to whites. This is never ever covered! I've seen it on those 48 Hour shows on TV...just gets me riled up.


Anonymous said...

What if the city isn't 75-80 percent black, what would be the next excuse?

Josh Jenkins said...

I was using the numbers as a point. The fact is most cities have a higher black population. This is a fact.

If you question the validity of this claim, I would like you to find a story on Cops pulling over a high number of blacks in a city where the population percentage is taken into account thus proving the evident racism.

I trust you will be wasting your time but I do want to hear if you find this to be true.