Thursday, October 05, 2006
Boycott Citgo & Thank you Bush for the Drop in Gas Prices!
And yes, I do say BOYCOTT CITGO. Fuck you for your ranting and ravings. Pat Robertson just told me to tell you that you fat fuck. He's my spiritual adviser.
So the gas prices have taken a plunge and I have not heard 1 news agency polling people with their leading and loaded questions:
Given that you say it is Bush's fault when hurricanes come and destroy entire states and that when gas prices moving toward $3.50 is his fault as well, not to mention that it is his fault and the Repub's fault for not leaving Iraq when Dems never come up with an actual solution, Do you attribute the recent drop in gas prices to President Bush's economic policies?
I really hate when the financial report comes up on the radio or TV and they're like, well looks like the market took a dive today since Walmart said they'd no longer offer health plans and also because Cotonnelle lost 2% due to people not going for their pre-moistened toilet paper. There are so many factors you cannot attribute 1, 2 or 3 things to the market. Also major news events do not always cause fluctuations. When something major happens and the market goes up or down the media loves to play into that.
And about that stock market...reaching new levels. I have yet to hear 1 news agency come out with a poll asking if Americans think it is due to Bush's economic policies. It seems like about 10% of news stories (increasing around election time) are directly related to a loaded poll that they have rolled out.
We all know when the market tanks, it is Bush's fault.
Field Day for the Media
The funniest thing was on the news the other day. I think I heard Nancy Pelosi exclaim she wanted "Bi-Partisan" cooperation with this. This coming from a woman who states on any given microphone that all Republicans are corrupt and are on the dark side of the Force. Can I give her a swift kick? Pleaaaassse????
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Bill Maher's Spirited Remarks - Down Syndrome
I have a child with Down Sydrome and while he is just 3 and I haven't really experienced the "full brunt" of what the world is going to throw at him because of his condition, it is ignorant fuckers like Maher that move everything back a step.
I guess Maher thinks he is on another level. He is above it all and looks down at us and says what he will - hey they'll laugh - it is his show right? He goes even further and justifies his "chromosomal joke".
Here is an article about the rant:
There is a link on it with a video clip.
Please write to HBO (click link below) and tell them what an asshole Bill is. Thanks.
Monday, August 07, 2006
Gas Price Solution
Also, there's a section where you can enter your gas purchases and it calculates/tracks your costs and approximate mpg. Cool.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Zionist at a Defend Hizballah Rally!
Monday, July 24, 2006
Israel's Push
Hezbollah I think did not see Israel's response to their kidnapping 2 soldiers beforehand. I feel they thought they could easily trade or exchange these soldiers for Hezbollah militants and/or economic aid of some sort. These kidnappings were planned and rockets set up beforehand in case Israel decided to attack south Lebanon. Most of Israel probably didn't think the government/military would want to go back into Lebanon in reflection of history.
The fact is Hezbollah is supported by Iran and Syria. Lebanon continues to allow Hezbollah to run freely and obtain political muscle. Lebanon's refusal to disassociate itself from such an organization has it's roots stemmed in it's people. Much like most Palestinians are okay with Hamas' political ideologies and claims, Lebanon continues to allow Hezbollah to run freely in it's society. Why? Hezbollah, Hamas, and other terrorist organizations focus on the poor of the society and afford them the essentials: water, food, shelter, healthcare. In return, they get back public support and also new members who will give their life to support the organization who rips and tears at true Islamic faith to point the barrel at Israel and the US...again using the Jews and the West as a scapegoat for their poverty/lack of a nation. The fact is these organizations are the root of their own poverty. A peaceful organization would never have economic and aid refused them.
Anyway, Hezbollah - better check yo'self befo' yo' wreck yo'self boyyeee. Okay that was childish but coded within the phrase is a clear message. Stop fucking around with Israel. They will annihilate you.
A lot of the civilian casualties are horrible in Lebanon right now. They are also bad in Israel, though a lot less of course.
If you take anything away from this note:
A)Israel is making a concerted effort to avoid civilian casualties - dropping leaflets, informing local officials and the Lebanese government. They use precision weapons to do this.
B)Hezbollah is firing hundreds of rockets into civilian targets in Israel. Gatta love these assholes.
Byebye for now.
Monday, June 19, 2006
Book Ratings
1)Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency (Douglas Adams): B
Summation: Funny - What you'd expect from Mr. Adams
2)The Da Vinci Code (Dan Brown): B+
Summation: Entertaining - Unfortunate skew of many facts but fun nonetheless. Big minus is narrator's impression of Sophie N. I can't help thinking of a transvestite everytime he attempts to harness his DEEP FEMALE VOICE. Yuk....especially the inevitable 'love' scenes.
3)A Million Little Pieces (James Frey): B
Summation: Scary but "Happy Ending" look at rehab and addiction...or should that be in reverse?...hehe. So what happened to Lillie wasn't what you'd consider happy? I think James was pathetic for pursuing and trying to save her. Sad. Sorry if I spoiled it.
4)The Gunslinger - The Dark Tower (Stephen King): B+
This was extremely entertaining in the beginning and through about 1/2 way into the book. The Gunslinger, the last of his 'breed' is in hot pursuit in the desert lands of a world that has "moved on". He knows the "Man in Black" is an evil and powerful sorcerer but he also knows this man has the key to the location of "The Dark Tower".
The first in a series of 7 books, The Gunslinger is full of what you'd expect from Stephen...lush action, details and explicit scene. It had been too long since my last encounter with his brilliant and in-depth style of writing.
The middle of the book or perhaps 60-70 percent of the way through, the story and action kind of drag and the end is an anti-climax of sorts, which drags this potentially GREAT story down to a good story. The narrator is excellent - sounds like he was pulled from a dusty saloon.
5)The Drawing of the Three - The Dark Tower (Stephen King): B-
This is the second book in The Dark Tower collection. This books takes up right where the Gunslinger left off. Many of the beginning action sequences are quite interesting, however the premise of ongoing story takes an unmistakeably odd turn which is a little hard to swallow. Much of this story LAGS much as the scene keep repeating over and over and over. Little pieces of the story come out shining however and let's just say I'll never see a lobster in the same light ever again. It is odd to hear this second part given by a completely different narrator. He is great but not as good as #1.
6)The Wastelands - The Dark Tower (Stephen King): B-
This is the third book in The Dark Tower collection. This book starts off slower than you could think possible and has more rambling passages than you could ever care to read/listen to (hehe). Once the "crew" gets "back on the trail", it actually begins to get rather interesting. Stephen King actually narrates this one...which is very bad. He is definitely not the best choice for this. I can't help thinking this is being read by a geeky kid in high school. His lack of 'voices' really bring this one down. Yes, the second half of the book is good in that it is entertaining but when you start out as bad as it was, it is hard to call this a good story. Ends in a "cliff-hanger".
7)Wizard and Glass - The Dark Tower (Stephen King): B+
This is the fourth book in The Dark Tower collection. My man is back! The narrator from the first book is back with his excellent story-telling ability. His raspy and critical voice sounds like it is coming directly from the Gunslinger himself. Unfortunately, part of the story is cut off for me - right at the climax but I could gather what happened. Argh. Also the recording I'm listening too is sub-par so I'm going to try and find another version.
8/7/06 - Oops, I'm just an idiot and needed to adjust some software settings on my PDA. Darn it anyway! Well this book is almost over - in the climax right now and is very good...I really love it.
8/14/06 - Finally finished it. Overall the beginning and end dragged but the gist of the story (a reflection/story of an earlier time in the life of Roland of Gilliad) was full of great scenes, plot, and language. I had to stop myself during the day from vocalizing some of the phrases of the people in the book - you'll see. In the afterward, it is explained that Stephen King took over 2 decades to write this fourth book in 1996. I'm glad I didn't have to wait that long. That would have sucked.
8)Wolves of the Calla- The Dark Tower (Stephen King): B-
Starting this afternoon.
10/5/06 - Finished this one about three or four weeks ago. It started off like it could be a terrific tale of mounting anxiety in planning for a major battle. Unfortunately, it only had good bits and pieces. Okay on the whole. In this tale, basically the Gunslingers help out a group of people that have been raided by the Wolves every couple of decades. In return, they discover a magical ball, hidden doorways and a new member of their clan.
9)Song of Susannah - The Dark Tower (Stephen King): C-
10/5/06 - Finished this about 1 week ago. Long, drawn-out story that jumps back and forth between different times and places. The main focus is on Susannah who is pregnant, partially kidnapped, and calling for help. She is one of the most boring characters in the story and it really drags this book down the toilet.
10)The Dark Tower - The Dark Tower (Stephen King): B
10/5/06 - I am currently listening to this one - the 7th book in the 7 book series. Starts out great. There is a lot of action and I can see the beginning of a shift of focus from Susannah back onto Roland "Thank the Gods". More later.
11/16/06 - I finished this puppy a couple weeks ago and took a break after. Phew it was a long series! It was cool...had a lot of neat ideas. I think the main problem with this series is that King continued on after the first book. Leaving it at the first book would have been great! Really though, I think when King finally decided to get back into this series, he took the high school way out and said I'll just put myself into the story and that will be easy. It's a cop-out like "It was all a dream". Very silly how it progressed after the second book. Though - I liked it overall - had a lot of neat ideas, creatures, and characters. I suppose I should also give an overall rating for the 7 book series: B.
11)Salem's Lot (Stephen King): B
11/16/06 - no, I'm not obsessed with King. There were just a few books I never got to read so I have to listen to them. This story is quite interesting. I've been listening for about a week now and I'm about 25% done. After reading a 7 book series I cannot believe I'm already 25% done with a book haha. Anyway, this is nice compact, easy listening story that has a lot of potential. I hope he doesn't ruin it. What else is interesting is that in the Dark Tower series, King inserts a lot of characters from his other books - including some from Salem's Lot and it is neat to see them "while they were still young".
Finished December 1, 2006. Great book - lots of great imagery and was actually scary. Watched the movie - horrible.
12)The Stand (Stephen King): B+
Finished 15, 2007. This was a great book - excellent idea and very thought provoking. I often wonder what would happen to the remaining people is such a disaster. King took a route that I hadn't predicted, but it turned out okay. I actually liked the first half of the book better.
Watched the 2 disc movie that was on TV. It was okay, but was changed a lot.
13)Harry Potter - The Order of the Phoenix (Rowling, J. K.): A
Finished March 22, 2007. This was a great one - probably the best Harry Potter story so far. It basically has the Ministry of Magic being blind-sided by Lord Voldemorte while it puts Hogwarts
and Dumbledore in check. I'd thought Professor Snape was bad - wait until you meet Professor
and High Inquisitor Umbridge. What a bitch.
14)Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Rowling, J.K.): B
Finished April 18, 2007. This was okay. It basically spent most of the book explaining things about the backstory though many scenes I'm sure will be pretty cool in the next movie. The ending is a little unnerving (without giving it away) and definitely leaves you wanting a resolution. There is no way you could stop at this point in the series. Luckily there is only 1 more book - coming out in July I think. I may actually try reading this one - though I may have to fight my wife for it.
15)The Kite Runner (Hosseini, Khaled): A
Finished sometime in Early May, 2007. This was a great story. Although fiction, it gives great incite into a world most of us are unfamiliar with. The book is tied together by a broken friendship and a stubbornness that is exhausting. You'll be amazed at the many differences in culture...and also the similarities.
16)Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Rowling, J.K.): A-
Finished in December, 2007. Great finish to the series with everything explained. Yes, I did actually READ this one for a change. My wife did have one burning unanswerable question the end when Neville got the horcrux to kill you know what (trying not to give anything away), where the hell did it come from? The goblin had it. This was a HUGE oversight...though I didn't think about it past the point where I said to myself "where did that come from?"...just figured it would come out later. Anyway, great finish.
17)DNA and Genealogy (Fitzpatrick, Colleen and other): B
Finished in December, 2007 (quickie!) Pretty boring if you're not into it...but I am so it was great. More information than anything but covers a lot of great stuff. Detailed explanation for all those nay-sayers. This is a science and it reads like a textbook (given there are some breaks). Interesting information regarding cladograms - you got me started. If you are a DNA Group Administrator, definitely check it out. You can order it from or if you are a group Admin on Family Tree DNA, contact the staff and they'll send you a free copy like they did me. Yes, I READ this one too!
18)A Thousand Splendid Suns (Hosseini, Khaled): Current Book
A Million Little Pieces by James Frey
hyped up and sad to learn beforehand about the untruths while sporting to be truth. It would have been great to think it was true first even if it was a lie, hehe. Okay book. I'd give it a B.
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Virgins for Abu Musab al-Zarqawi
1)How would they find that many?
2)Why would women who lived such a life be subjected to a "heaven" of rape by blood-thirsty maniacs?
3)How does Allah screen these women? Will he make sure none of the 100 virgins awaiting Abu Musab are not anyone he killed?
4)What the heckdo you have to do as a jihadist to go to Hell? You probably have to live a peaceful life, turn the other cheek, and love your neighbor.
Rot In Hell Asshole.
Friday, May 19, 2006
TiVo and FIOS TV Continued
1)1 STB for the TiVo
2)1 STB for the TV
3)1 STB for the VCR
4)1 STB for the DVD Writer
5)1 STB for my other TV
Plus, with all this (and the fire hazard and hot zone it would create) I wouldn't be able to watch the alternative channel while recording on TiVO (unless I wasn't recording on VCR/DVD I suppose).
Frustrating? Yes. Resolved? Yes.
Comcast gave me a $14.00 discount for "staying" with them. Hehe. Good for 12 months so I suppose I'll have to threaten Comcast again in May, 2007.
Seriously people, if you want a discount on insurance, phone, cable the company and tell them you are switching. They'll be like, we'll give you a special $10.00 discount! Tell them you want an extra too. Hehe.
Anyway, you can see more of my rant on FiOS TV here:
This issue is now dead and I can go back to recording 3 shows while watching a 4th with NO STBs.
Verizon FiOS I come :) But that will be another post.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
The Da Vinci Code - Audio Book!
Really, in the pathetic state of US news today, entertainment has almost completely merged with real actual news. Because of this, I have to comment on the aforementioned topic.
No, I have not read the book. I have heard about a lot of its contents. I have heard from the author that it is a fictional work and the untruths in the book (or stretching thereof) are proven untruths by our history.
Whether or not the book's author claims the work to be fiction or not, who FRIGGIN' CARES! The same idiot people who will read the book and think that monks actually exist in Catholic tradition and history are the same idiot people that will watch CBS news tonight and know (because Bob S. told them eye-to-eye) that President Bush is the root of all evil (and therefore made your dog keel over and made your car die on its way to work).
The truth is that you cannot help people who believe everything that is told to them. They are helplessly lost and should be left alone. People that can figure most things out for themselves will know things based on mostly factual information (or faith believe it or not).
I do have to mention that when my wife read the book, she mentioned to me something to the affect that Jesus had sexual relations or something with Mary M. I think that's what she said. Anyway, the way she said it was matter-of-factly like a lot of the "details" in the book substantiated the claim. I still have to ask her if she really thinks this....
Anyway, I'm going to listen to my book later today and probably be done in a week or so...then I'll see the movie.
Odd thing about Audio Books - With my first one I finished yesterday - (it was "Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency" by and read by Douglas Adams) I kept trying to figure out if I get more imagery creation from hearing a book or reading it. Two totally different ways to create a book's images in your head. I may read the book to see if there is a difference but the mere fact I already heard it may alter that result. I guess I'll just have to read some books and listen to others and compare, argh.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
John Kerry Has Lost The Election - ATTENTION!
It is funny because a lot of the stickers look brand new. Are they still pumping these out from
I just went to the site. OMG, he made a speech about how we should be able to speak out against the war while at the same time remain patriotic. Go to another link on the page and he is shaking a soldier's hand and they both are smiling. I'm sure Kerry is not telling him to stop fighting in this misguided and wasteful war.
You know, there is some dumb ass in my parking garage at work who has a Kerry sticker. Not only is it a Kerry sticker but it reads:
"African Americans for John Kerry"
Can you f'ing believe that? If that is not throwing race into some place it doesn't belong, I don't know what is. I find this very offensive. It is offensive to blacks who know affirmative action is dead wrong. This is a small but growing percentage of black America. I think the last figure I heard several months ago was around 10%.
You know what has a better ring to it?
"Caucasians for Kerry"
"Blacks for Bush"
Let's use some alliteration okay guys?
The Government Has My Phone Numbers!
1)I place Chinese takeout orders 5 days a week
2)Call 411 to get the Chinese takout place's number each time
3)Prank call the Operator on Saturday nights before bed
4)Use my dialup modem to connect to AOL at 330 in the morning for er....research
Get a clue America! Who the F@#$ cares who you are calling and who knows? The phone companies should already have given this information to the Government without being asked. Hell, most already gave info to the Government with little resistance...why?
They are not trying to find out how many orders of Chinese you get weekly. They don't have the manpower. They are trying to stop you from communicating with Alseiwheirwazad about attending the International Terrorist Training Camp (ITTC) in Iran in the fall.
I can already see the CBS news tonight with geezer Bob at the helm:
"President Bush defends monitoring of every citizen's phone records."
The liberal media love to pile it on Bush:
Bush is the reason gas prices are so high
Bush is the reason why we have a shit outcome in Iraq
Bush is the reason Al Gore grew a beard
Why is the stock market up? Not because of only when it goes down is it Bush's fault.
The President is not responsible for your hair falling out, your steamed dumplings not showing up in your last carryout order, or your car breaking down. If you see something you don't like, take action - don't find a scapegoat you damn coward!
Anyway, about FiOS TV. I've been told by Verizon that FOR SURE it supports Tivo. It had better dammnit. You need a STB (set top box) to view all the digital channels and I've been told with a recent upgrade it will connect right to the Tivo box. I've discovered that Tivo does have the channel lineups for FiOS so should be no problem there. Will let you know how it goes....being installed Friday, May 19th.
Holding off on FiOS Internet for now because I don't need it. But the speed is really exciting and the price is great. Even if it were a $1.00 more than Comcast I'd pick it up. Can you feel the love?
Monday, April 24, 2006
Verizon FiOS TV and TiVo Compatibility +TiVo Rant
I may be getting Verizon FiOS TV soon. I will keep my TiVo. I have called Verizon a few times to hear for sure that TiVo will work with it. Comcast is way-overpriced. I have a series 2 TiVo and will write later to let you know if all goes well.
Having issues setting up your TiVo with your system? It took me awhile but I figured it out. I've heard a lot of people say they cannot watch a show while recording on TiVo. This is seriously WRONGO.
Actually, I can tape 2 shows and watch another. I have a 2-way splitter - 1 goes to my TV, 1 goes to my TiVo...then to the DVD writer. This means I can record on TiVo, watch a show on TV, and record on a DVD. Even if I didn't have the DVD writer, I could still watch a show on TV and record on TiVo. Of course when you are watching on TV, it is not through the TiVo (won't be able to pause etc).
Verizon is currently scaring people into thinking you needed to pay them $12 more a month for THEIR DVR. This is what the first Tech Guy told me. But 2 others told me a recent (month or so) upgrade to their STB (Set-Top-Box) allows for the simple connection with no loss of functionality with TiVo.
I have a lifetime subscription to TiVo so I can't simply cancel anyway. I'm a dork so I'm going to purchase a 3-way splitter.
This way I can:
1)Record on TiVo
2)Record on VCR
3)Record on DVD
4)Watch a 4th show
All at the same time.
Really though, just getting it because I want to still use the VCR. Trick is to get a low-loss splitter.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Murderous Laws In Maryland
in Howard County, Maryland will be sentenced soon for manslaughter.
She will be elligible for parole in 18 months.
Just a thought about Maryland law:
Possession or use of any amount of marijuana is punishable by up to one year in jail and a fine of up to $1,000.
"Black-Owned" Blog
Again, this is making race a factor in something it should not be. What minorities and others don't realize is that it further divides races by giving one preferential treatment over another.
As the black and Hispanic populations continue to grow in this country, it is not hard to imagine whites becoming a minority at some point.
In an effort not to be hypocritical and restrain myself, as soon as whites become the minority, I'm going to open the first "White-owned" business. Of course it will be bullet and fireproof with barbed wire around it.
Don't hate me. You know I'm right.
Monday, April 03, 2006
A Hard Pill To Swallow (The Drug War)
The solution is radical and this is why so many people put up stiff resistance. We must reverse the market for drugs. Making drugs legal (thereby taking them off the black market) does many things:
1)Greatly reduces the cost: This means it is less profitable for gangs and dealers to deal. This will have a trickle down effect to places like (for example) cocaine production and trafficking from Colombia, South America to the US...and heroine from Afghanistan, etc. etc.
2)Drugs will be free of "extras" and dosage can be easily regulated
3)Drugs will be taxable (many states already have Marijuana tax stamps if you did not know - for legal users). This means we will get a cashflow from this (HUGE)
4)Focus on Rehabilitation of habitual users. The huge cashflow from taxes can mostly be put toward rehab but also increase our country's homeless shelter systems. More money can also be used to build and strengthen community centers, after school programs, and sports programs for our children.
5)Strict Laws in affect for underage use (much like alcohol) as well as continued discouragement of use (but no wasteful programs)
6)Prison overcrowding reduction. A large portion of prisoners in our system have been jailed for use, cultivation, manufacturing, distribution, etc of drugs. These indivuals would be pardoned if no other crime had been committed. This would alone save billions upon billions of dollars each year not only on the Federal Level but for local state, county and city government.
7)Reduction in violence in our cities and towns. Countless deaths and injuries will be drastically reduced as a result of removing the marketability of drugs.
What I am speaking of would require legalization of all drugs - I'm talking about heroine, cocaine, opium, etc. Hard pill to swallow (hehe) I know. Like I said this is a very radical stance.
You could potentially go to the store, pick up some "E", a couple tabs of acid, and a joint for dessert. Don't forget the Codeine with Tylenol (hehe). Yeah, Tylenol would be pissed.
With this in mind, you would have people using the same argument as distribution of condoms in schools: "If you have it readily available, more people will do it.".
BULLSHIT! People that do it will do it regardless of price - we see this everyday. People break into pharmacies, steal chemicals from farms, jack cars, shoot kids in the head and all for what - a hit? Some extra cash?
What will happen is the junkie or habitual user will go in to get some drugs and also be faced with people there who want to help if they ask for it.
So we'll have zombies walking around stone-faced, right? No. If we see someone now sloshed drunk out of their minds, they go to jail to 'freshen up'. The same would happen with people being stupid. Also, drug-driving laws would be enacted that would be as tough if not tougher than current drunk driving laws.
So many different scenarios could come out of this, but you see the point. There are so many great benefits of this move that it shouldn't just be a pipe dream. Unfortunately, the way Amercica works is by a slow, methodical process.
You'll notice Western states are adopting more and more relaxed drug policies toward Marijuana. This movement is creeping slowly watch it will cover the US in the next 20 years and you may be able to smoke a joint in public. Later.
Partnership for a Drug Free America
over-budgeted and tangled anti-drug organizations are mind-numbingly ineffective.
I transferred schools early on in my education so I had the distinct honor to go through D.A.R.E twice. While I found the entire set of lectures rather annoying and one-sided, I did like the part where they brought in all the drugs! For one lesson they brought in the K-9 drug sniffing dog and he had a particular interest in one of our classmates' backpack. This kid was known to have used drugs in school fairly often so I know he was sweating bullets. Oddly enough I think the trooper did not investigate!
D.A.R.E and other programs are readily scoffed at and mocked by students who by that age normally have already tried or are currently using drugs. The other kids who avoid drugs anyway are not really helped by this ridiculous waste of taxes.
I can honestly say I think for the majority of children who go through D.A.R.E. learn about cool new drugs they aren't supposed to use and guess what? When you tell a kid in middle school or high school that they aren't supposed to do something they will do it!
Studies have shown that D.A.R.E. has failed as a program. I'm not sure it is still going it?
If it is, it should be stopped immediately.

Friday, March 31, 2006
Illegal Immigrants Don't Want To Be Legal
Where I work now, there is a high rate of illegal immigrants and legal immigrants as well. They can easily walk down to the corner "store" and purchase a fake SS card or paperwork. Some is better than others but the truth is it is really easy!
I do a lot of genealogical research and if you ever do it you will find (unless you are full blooded Native American) that ALL of your ancestors at one point were immigrants whether you choose to accept it or not.
The fact is, as legal citizens of the United States, we pay taxes and phone bills like everyone else (well most people). We are in jobs that give us crappy healthcare...or don't have jobs and have to somehow purchase expensive crappy healthcare.
The problem = Illegal Immigrants are a burdon on our tax, healthcare, and social services systems. Our premiums are WAYYY up (okay, partially due to FAT Americans suing McDonalds)!
We don't dislike you! We just want you to pay like the rest of us. And if you do pay, we'd like you to put your name, address, and relavant information in ENGLISH which is our spoken language. You don't have to speak/write well - God forbid our ancestors took awhile. But guess what? - most if not all of my ancestors became legal citizens by going through the process! For those that didn't, if I could travel back in time, I would and slap you in the face. But back then that would be very disrespectful to your elders so I would probably have a beer with them or something.
My point is, why are you protesting? You are like:
"We're illegal and we're here to stay. We're not going to pay. It'll be okay. Look at how many of us are here! This is worse than Monday morning at 7-11!"
Okay, bad joke. Seriously though, why are the immigrants protesting? They don't want to follow the same rules as law-abiding American citizens? To be an American, you have to at least follow some of the rules. Stop putting all of that effort into writing English on a cheesy banner and fill out an application for US Citizenship.
Cops Pull Over Way Too Many Blacks
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Affirmative Action = Racism
Think about it. Allowing one group a better chance at being accepted into a school, a job, or something else is racist! For instance, some schools give you bonus "entrance" points for being a particular race. That means if a white kid in the suburbs busted his ass to get to school, got decent grades, and partakes in a few sports etc. the black or Mexican kid who shows up to school irregularly, gets passing grades, and is maybe involved in 1 extracurr. activity will get in.
I hear groups like the NAACP and the radical ACLU scream that minorities do poorly in school and need help getting ahead. Well that is the problem - we need to get to the root of the problem, not chastise those who work their asses off.
No Smoking
Who goes to a bar and doesn't expect to leave smelling like an ashtray? Give me a frigging break. When I drink, I like to smoke - a lot of people do. I really quit smoking awhile back. Yes, this is all coming from a "reformed smoker" if you will.
Frankly, I'm sick of all this legislation against "Big Tobacco" (the bad guy), telling them it is okay to mail out flyers and such, but also to run campaigns against their product. Completely ridiculous. Eating fatty foods and driving recklessly is also extremely dangerous but we cannot expect McDonald's to put warning labels on their food and Ford to cap speeds on their engines.
Of course we have the argument that smoking affects people around you. Well if a bar or restaurant owner wants to provide a smoke-free environment, they can already do this. But if they want to provide a place where people can smoke, they should be able to do that to.
If you don't want smoke in your face, go to an establishment that doesn't have smokers. Plenty do - and it was their choice!
Butt out.
Monday, March 27, 2006
Missionaries in Afghanistan
Obviously, the Pres. who has close ties to the West has been so pressured by World Leaders and is in such a beaming media spotlight, he could never go through with this hardline approach (killing this man).
This guy better already have an armed escort out of the country.
If not, I think a bunch of us infidels should get together, go over there and escort Mr. Abdul Rahman out of the country and also hand out Bibles and try to convert a few more "misguided" and "mentally ill" individuals.
I guess in one sense you have to be crazy to convert and stay there...and then tell your family! I wonder what would have happened if Rahman never made the news...would he have been "justifiably" killed? Crazy.
Some of the Muslims are still fighting the Crusades over there! Can you believe this? Didn't we get rid of these nutjobs when we ousted most of the Taliban?
Meaning of Life
In the early 1980's, while I ran around the house looking for the perfect spot to throw my ice crystal and magically grow Superman's castle, I was sure I was meant to be the "true" Superman once I grew up.
Later, America and The Education Machine taught me I could choose whatever I wanted in life and become it. It would just take 16 years give or take of schooling.
In 1994, I'd decided to join the ranks in California Polytechnic State University as an Aeronautical Engineer...making the move from Maryland. By 1996 I was pondering my third major in college and had no idea where I was going.
Lucky for me, these sets of issues led me to my wife.
I'd never known what having children really meant until my wife and I had our first child. They are your everything from that point on - or at least they should be! Even though we just had our second child in 2005, I knew after our first that having children was my meaning of life. I can say that with the boldest of confidence and surety.
And of course like most things in my life, it just fell into my lap, hehe.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Cindy Sheehan Riding the Wave of Fame
You'd think that a mother of a slain soldier would be proud of her son for his sacrifice in the War. What has she accomplished in the face of his death? She has stepped on his name. She has belittled everything her son stood for..and what - to further her political agenda? Horrible.
Everytime I think of her, I see the AP photo of her in my head as she is crowdsurfing, smiling & basking in the glory of her recent fame. Has she forgotten what she has done to her son's name? It seems her new cause is to make headlines by performing silly publicity stunts.
Sad woman, go home and stop disgracing your son and his buddies who are still over in Iraq.
Bring Our Troops Home? (and Rant sorry)
Many radical Dems (Rep. Mertha of PA as an example) have stated we should bring the troops home now. Often these liberals throw crap like this into the media to cause a stir...heck it got John Kerry all excited. Other individuals that do this constantly are Sen. Barbara Boxer (CA) and Nancy Pilozzi (sp?). One of the two latter individuals recently stated that after one Republican representative was in trouble with one scandal or another (as many have), that the entire Republican Party is corrupt. That's all people need to say anymore and the media loves it. They just egg it on...the media is now the megaphone for the Democrats.
[Please excuse the following rant]
There may be one exception as far as television is concerned. Thank God for Fox News. You'll note that VP Cheney went on Fox News to set the record straight on the hunting incident where he accidently shot his friend. He knew they would report the story as is and not question things that liberal media/Democrats had:
Why did Cheney delay reporting the news?
Why is Cheney so quiet?
Cheney had a beer for lunch - why was he hunting?
It makes me angry that when someone went something tramatic like that, they have to answer to these asshole reporters and Dems.
[Rant over]
Anyway, we have an obligation to get Iraq out of the shit hole we got it into. Obviously many things were overlooked. What did we learn in preschool people? When you f#*$ something up, fix it. Don't leave it for someone else. I think we can really do something great for Iraq and the rest of the world by completing this mission. If we leave too soon, we'll be facing the consequences of that mistake for decades to come.
Do your troops overseas a favor. Believe in them and it will help them. Egg the media on with anti-war this and "Quagmire" that and suck the morale out of them. You choose.
The United States of America Will Never Have a Female President
In a recent 2006 poll, the vast majority of America (I do not know the makeup of the participants) stated they would not vote for a female President.
I realize that as far as polls go, Americans change their minds parallel to whatever the liberal media spews out from our TVs, Newspapers, and Radio. Because of this, if Hillary does decide to run in 2008, I think she has a better chance than the polls seem to indicate. I think the Dems would be extremely foolish to push for her as a front runner. But again we're talking about the extremely foolish Dems.
Soul Mates, Love At First Sight, Destiny....Yuk
Soul Mates
This term assumes that for each person, there is at least one other individual out there that is linked emotionally and spiritually with them on the highest unearthly level. People often throw this phrasing around like a sack of potatoes.
"Oh, Sarah and I love reading to one another, walking in the park (holding hands of course), skipping down sidewalks and feeding each other various tropical fruits. We're soul mates."
I think a lot of couples use this term loosely as a meaning for close compatibility, usually during the initial "high" of first being with one another. BUT, you do have couples who continue to use the term long, long after the start of the 1 year or so. If you take a close look at these people (seriously I mean stare at them) you will see a glazed, brainwashed manicness that is so evident, you'll realize the obvious - they're on Prozac.
See how easy that was?
Love At First Sight
This one is so simple. Love at first sight means that you saw someone and immediately were attached to them emotionally. This means your initial view of someone, no matter how many guys she slept with last night (at once) you love her so much....regardless. I guess it helps if she's good looking but I don't think that question has ever been asked to someone who's stated it was "Love at first sight".
Also, have you ever noticed that you've never heard both individuals in the relationship say it was love at first sight? Odd.
All of the relationships that don't work out from the aforementioned premise is called Stalking...which is probably around 99%. Scary stuff. So, the next time you hear someone say it was "Love at first sight" be very wary.
It was destined that I started this blog because no one ever listens to me. Destiny refers to things that happen for a reason as part of life's big plan. We don't know what the plan is...we just know we're destined to do whatever is in the plan.
With regard to relationships, people often say "Oh, we were destined to meet!"
This kind of thinking means that no matter what you do, the outcome of what you do was planned and in essence you really had no control over it to begin with. This means in some respect you can do what you want (live a good life or a bad one), but the outcome is not really your fault.
Therefore, I have to say Destiny is crap. Life = choices and I choose to end this entry now.
Monday, March 13, 2006
Dubai Ports Deal or No Deal? The Unfortunate Reality In America => Anti-Arab & Anti Muslim
Personally, when I heard the news, I felt that it had already gone through the proper channels and was okay. This is not the Louisiana Purchase. We're not selling off our country. Obviously, if there was ever any infraction as a resultof this sale to the UAE, we'd get "control" back. I think that is the issue now with the entire country - the issue of CONTROL.
Not only are Americans as a whole jumping on this 'feeling' but so are our Representatives. The UAE would technically own the ports, yet the real security control will be in the hands of the Coast Guard. It does not matter who owns the is up to the US to determine how we screen the ports. Right now, we only screen about 5% of the cargo. Does it matter that (I think) the British own the ports or the UAE? No. There is a process by which this is all approved whereby the potentialbuyers are screened. They fit all the criteria and most likely outbidall the other interested parties. On top of all this (and it has not been given much press coverage), this all has anti-arab/anti-Muslim overtones.
The thought that first comes tomany people's minds is"Oh my God, Arabs are going to own our ports and those crazy sword-wielding Muslims are going to open the floodgates to our borders and allow suicidebombers and bio chemical weapons into our cities!"
This is the main problem I think. The UAE does not have a completely clean track record when it comes to terrorism...many terrorists have come from that area. Guess how many terrorists America produces? Read the news lately? 3 arrested in the heartland of this great nation! We cannot hold an entire country or entity responsible for our narrow-mindedness and this cannot be input into the formula for determining an entity's clearance for making a major purchase in this country. I know I am in the minority on this issue and usually go hard-line Republican butI cannot fathom the excuses for these inquiries. I would definitely come half way and acknowledge the petrified politicians in delaying the sale for 30-45 days or whatever they agreed upon. This is what the American people want - and guess why they're getting it? Even from the Republicans? It's almost election time. BTW, Bush isn't shooting for President anymore...hence his stance.